Miraculously, the medics bring me back. But part of me felt like it did not belong in this world. Either part of me was left on the other side, or I brought a part of my mother back with me.
-- Kabuki: Circle of Blood #1
* Dates Subject to Change *
Kabuki - The Alchemy Hardcover & Trade Paperback: ON SALE
Daredevil - Parts of a Hole Premiere HC: ON SALE
Kabuki - Reflections: Volume 1 Hardcover (regular & limited edition): ON SALE
Daredevil - Echo: Vision Quest Premiere Edition Hardcover: ON SALE
Kabuki - Volume 1: Circle of Blood Hardcover (Regular & Limited Editions): ON SALE
Se7en French Edition Blu-ray: ON SALE
Electric Ant Hardcover: ON SALE
Green Arrow #8: ON SALE
Dream Logic #3: ON SALE
Days Missing - Kestus #4: ON SALE
5 Ronin #4: ON SALE
Justice League of America #56: April 20

Boston Comic Con
April 30 - May 1, 2011
Boston, Massachusetts

Houston Comicpalooza
May 27-29, 2011
Houston, Texas


Home Message Boards WFC: August 16-20, 2002

FRI, 8/16/02, 5:16 a.m. - In Response To: maybe you'd like this (K)

I don't know if anyone will like this but I do so I thought I'd share... hardly an unknown person though [:)] I think the paintings are really interesting and beautiful. Wish I could go to the exhibition.


Thanks for the link. That is an exhibition that I would definitely find interesting.


Re: David and Andy Lee in the new issue of Powers
FRI, 8/16/02, 5:19 a.m. - In Response To: David and Andy Lee in the new issue of Powers (Benjamin Simpson)
No, not contributing their art, rather their...likenesses? That's right, check out the double page spread on pages 2 and 3 of Powers #22. Row 3, Box 7 is David and Rox 4, Box 5 is Andy. Those were the only that I could tell, someone post here if they spot anymore!


I saw that! Thanks for the heads up. Bendis is in there too. I do like the way Mike draws me. I just learned that I will be in some future issues as well [:)]

And Andy is in Mike's art a lot. He was even in the Bullet Proof Monk Comic that they are basing the new ChowYun Fat movie on.

Rick's art...
FRI, 8/16/02, 5:31 a.m. - In Response To: Re: YakuzaGirl comic thing.... (Rick Mays)

It looks great!

Love it. Love seeing Rick's sketches and drawings when I visit his house. He gave me copies of them and they are amazing.


Hey, Victor. Feel free to use the piece I did for you. Whenever I get off my lazy ass and send it to you, anyways. David's seen it, though, as well as Pamela's Keiko piece (when he & Anh were here after SD). You can ask his opinion of it.

Rick M.

Re: Whens Mack gonna do batman, Bendis could write
FRI, 8/16/02, 5:35 a.m. - In Response To: Whens Mack gonna do batman, Bendis could write it. (count zero)

Have been offered to write and paint various Batman projects. Haven't had the time yet. Have to finish the next Kabuki stories first. That is my real priority. But I may do a little Batman thing in the future just for fun.

What would a Mack Batman look like? Jim Lees short ears suck. Would Mack do a big scary batman with giant ears? Hey Mack if they gave you free reign on Batman what kind of changes would you make? It should be fairly easy book for you to do considering you practically live the life style now. whose your bat "It" villain? At least a sketch man, Po-lease......Pretty Po-lease with sprinkles on top.


Re: Kabuki Heroclix?
MON, 8/19/02, 7:04 a.m. - In Response To: Kabuki Heroclix? (Estlin)

The guy (Paul Mullins) who runs my local comic store (Comic Book World) introduced me to a guy name Steve Saunders. Who happened to be in the store when I was. He lives pretty close to me and happened to be the head sculpter and Art director for Mage Knight and Wiz Kids. I visited his studio and saw all his sculptures and he showed me a sculpting he did of Kabuki that he said could be used for the HeroClix game. He explained to me how the game worked and I thought it was a cool idea and his sculpting was cool and that's basically how it worked out. Pretty much entirely because of him.

I've recieved a lot of requests for Kabuki role playing games. And Hero Clix has the figures that have the characters numbers on the stand and it seems like an interesting and very visual idea. I'm guessing that they will start with the 8 Noh characters that you can get as a booster set. And play the game or just set them on your computor. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished figures.

Re: Back in the fold*! (so to speak) MON, 8/19/02, 7:09 a.m. - In Response To: Back in the fold*! (so to speak) (Jubal)


Good to hear you had such a good time. Good to see you there and I love your account of everything. you reminded me of a lot of stuff I forgot about. I laughe out loud when you reminded me of the Eisner speach. You can actually go to comicbookresources.com and listen to all the acceptance speaches. Can even hear the audience laughing on mine [:)]

Re: Prince luvs Kabuki?
MON, 8/19/02, 7:11 a.m. - In Response To: Prince luvs Kabuki? (zumble zootsuita)
Prince is apparently a big Kabuki fan!!! (The preformer, not William.) My cousin is currently working at Paisley Park recording Studios as a night janitor( differnt than a day janitor? Nosfera-toilet?) He said that while vacumming the accoustic walls of the vocal studio he found a big stack of Kabuki comics. He thought it a little weird because they were all cut up with scissors!!! but, apparently his purple magesty is making a self-portrait collage and is just wild about Mack's water colors! but not to worry his royal badness also has a complete set in his personal media library "archive" that he reads for inspiration when he writes his lyrics. Maybe he an Mack should collaborate... Mack does album covers and the face in the Purple Rain video looks alot like Kabuki's!!! Prince's favorite agent? Well, he did have a cutout picture of Butoh on his mirror...but it was upside down?

"It sounds like she's laughing... but she's actually crying, I just recorded it backwards"...Purple Rain, Prince.

Hi Radu,

Thanks for the info. Please give the Purple One my regards.


Angouleme, Paris, Jan 2003...
MON, 8/19/02, 7:16 a.m. - In Response To: David & Anh signing in France? (Virginie)

Hi Virginie,

It is good to hear from you! The last time I spoke with Marvel France, I was told that the plan was to release a new Hard cover Kabuki Volume in French translation. The Volume would include, Everything in Kabuki Dreams, Skin Deep, and more. Even Masks of the Noh if I remember right. I think the plan is to release it around the time of Angouleme and to have me sign at the Marvel France booth at the show. I will let you know here as soon as I here updated information.

Thanks for asking:) I hope to see you there. And I'm glad you like the Kabuki bust!

Warmest regards,


Dear David & Anh,

How are you guys doing? I was just wondering if you are both planning to do Angouleme and Paris again in January?

I hope you are because my sister is living in Paris now and I am planning to visit her and see you guys at the same time!

I know from the message board that you are both very busy so I won't take up any more of your time - take care of each other,

Virginie xxx

By the way - I bought the Kabuki bust - it is beautiful!

Re: What are the RAREST Kabuki comics?
MON, 8/19/02, 7:29 a.m. - In Response To: What are the RAREST Kabuki comics? (Weird Kid)


As far as rarety goes, the Kabuki checklist should give you a pretty good idea.

Besides the limited edition like the: Kabuki Fan Edition, Kabuki 1/2 from Wizard (both of these were mail in offers and have an extremely low print run and were never offered to the public outside of mailing in to the magazines), The very first editon of Circle of Blood in Hardcover was only offered with an original sketch and was limited to only 300 copies made (see listing in checklist). The KABUKI Color Special and Kabuki Dreams of the Dead were the very first painted books I ever did and had a very low print run and are very rare. Besides that, Masks of the Noh #1 and #2 are extremely hard to find. As are Kabuki Circle of Blood #1 and Kabuki Fear the Reaper (the very first Kabuki comic ever, except for the Kabuki Ashcans that I made myself and are the rarest of all like 200 made). The Visions sketchbook was printed even before that and is also super rare. I think only 1200 made.

Hope that helps.

Let me know if you have any more questions. Your best shot at finding any of this stuff is on the Kabuki Checklist in the back of any Kabuki issue or collection. Any time I've found any of these rare books offered through any other distributor or dealer, I have bought theire entire inventory myself, so I can keep up with the orders from the checklist when I've run out. So as far as I know, the Kabuki Ckecklist is the only place that still offers any of these.


MON, 8/19/02, 7:36 a.m. - In Response To: Agents of the Noh babysitters (Bryan Goff)
My brother, his wife and 5 month old baby recently moved in with me. And since they have moved in my little nephew Hunter has enjoyed looking, talking and laughing at my Masks of the Noh I have hanging on my wall (TigerLily, Scarab, Siamese and Snapdragon). When he gets old enough I'll let him read all the Kabuki comics. Till then we'll just watch him be amazed by the Masks of the Noh.
Cool,Thanks for the story!

My sister in law, Hiromi has been hand making stuffed dolls based on Kabuki characters. Today she came to my house and showed me a great handmade version of the stuffed doll Siamese had as kids. The one where they are both attached at the shoulders as the doll. It was very cool. It really is the kind of cute yet sort of creepy kind of stuffed think that I would of dug as a kid.

Next she said she is making that Kitty Clock stuffed animal that Kabuki has in the institution. And then said she is going to make stuffed dolls of each of the Noh agents. I'm really looking forward to seeing this. Because she's Japanese and makes them in this very interesting way that gives them such a authentic Japanese look to the dolls. I'll post photos...

Dragon con in Atlanta NEXT WEEK...
MON, 8/19/02, 7:42 a.m.

Just a reminder, August 30 through Sept 2 I will be signing at the Dragon con. Andy Lee is also there and will be painting commissions of anything you request.

I will be happy to sign as many books as you want to bring. And will have original art available for sale and a huge selection of Kabuki prints, shirts and books. I will be speaking at 2 panels and happy to answer questions.

Will also have the Kabuki sickle on display.

If you have not been to Dragon con, you really should check it out. Besides all the amazing artists, the con spills out it's sci fi insanity all through downtown Atlanta. It is easily the least clothed and most heavily armed convention. By that I mean there are amazing costumes. Some people just wear paint. ANd almost everyone has a sword or a large firearm. Bring your camera.

Re: handmade...
MON, 8/19/02, 6:14 p.m. - In Response To: Re: handmade... (Mike B)
Those sound really cool. Can't wait to see the photos. So is one of their mouths stitched closed? Hope so.
Mike B

Signing at LEE's Comics Sept 14...
MON, 8/19/02, 7:46 a.m. - In Response To: Dragon con in Atlanta NEXT WEEK... (MACK!)

My only Bay area signing of the year. Lee's new store in Mountainview. I will be signing one day only. Saturday from noon to 3 I think. But I'll stay later to sign for everyone who shows if necasary. Lee has made special Kabuki prints availabe to the first 500 customers. I will be happy to sign them and any books you bring or pick up at the store. WIll also have art, prints, etc.

See you there!


Just a reminder, August 30 through Sept 2 I will be signing at the Dragon con. Andy Lee is also there and will be painting commissions of anything you request.

I will be happy to sign as many books as you want to bring. And will have original art available for sale and a huge selection of Kabuki prints, shirts and books. I will be speaking at 2 panels and happy to answer questions.

Will also have the Kabuki sickle on display.

If you have not been to Dragon con, you really should check it out. Besides all the amazing artists, the con spills out it's sci fi insanity all through downtown Atlanta. It is easily the least clothed and most heavily armed convention. By that I mean there are amazing costumes. Some people just wear paint. ANd almost everyone has a sword or a large firearm. Bring your camera.

Re: What are the RAREST Kabuki comics?
MON, 8/19/02, 9:54 p.m. - In Response To: Re: What are the RAREST Kabuki comics? (Weird Kid)
If I can't get it through the checklist, there's this really awesome chick named Anh who sells Mack stuff on Ebay. Autographed, even! I've bought a ton from her before.
Yeah that is a great source too [:)] Anh is wonderful. If there is something specific that you are looking for just e-mail her, and I'm sure she can get it for you.



Order Kabuki: Reflections -
Volume 1 Hardcover Today!

April 11: Webmaster's note

April 7: David Mack attending New York's MoCCA this weekend, MoCCA pre-party, thoughts on two films & more

April 6: Photo of upcoming Dream Logic shirt, David Mack and Tony Solomun art jam zine, David Mack plugged in Qatar newspaper & more

Designed and maintained by David Thornton, DavidMackGuide.com is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by DavidMackGuide.com only for the purpose of review.