Home Message Boards Bendis: October 6-10, 2004
Re: Bendis Art
Oct 06, 2004 12:21 pm
I think the CTHululujullhjlusuu fesitval may be three issues.
Or maybe it just felt that way.
I also inked him on some Realm pages at that time.
And these two Dracula books (though they may not have been published
til 94.
Then I inked his Flaxen pencils in 94. I think it was published in 95.
All this stuff is on David Thornton's amazing site: davidmackguide.com.
He literally has his entire collection archived with detailed info on
the site.
With daily updated news of all MOB stuff.
Re: Bendis Art
Oct 06, 2004 12:23 pm
It is a really cool site. I'm totally impressed by it.
The news is updated everyday at around 9:30 PM.
Bookmark that sucker!
Re: U.S. pursuing 'antimatter' weapons
Oct 06, 2004 1:49 pm
yep, it's true.
And believe it or not, there are many more alternative power sources
that have been developed.
The thing is, when a scientist or inventor develops a potentially life
altering alternative power that would be more cost efficient and environmentally
friendly than the status quo, it is usually on someone else's dime.
Then the government and the corporation steps in and and keeps it under
They know they don't need oil to make the world go round and to power the world. But if they make everyone else believe it, then it is a good scam to make money with.
Advances have already been made with pulling free energy out of the electro-magnetic spectrum, and with "zero point" energy.
But there is no money in free energy. So they keep a lid on all of this stuff until the oil is gone. Unless of course it can be used as a weapon.
Wizard World Texas! I'm there! Just
Oct 08, 2004 3:23 am
Anyone know if Mr. Mack will be making an appearance at
the Texas Wizard Con?? I just moved from a small town and may finally have
the opportunity to meet him...I need to know... It would really suck if
he's everywhere this year, even where my relatives are (Phillipines) but
doesn't hit Texas.
Please stop by and say hello!
Everyone who is at this con, please come to my table and introduce
yourself. And let me know who you are on the messageboard.
Check davidmackguide.com for more details.
I just recieved my invitation and confrmation as a guest to WIZARD WORD
TEXAS in Dallas. Nov 5-7.
I will be there all three days. All day. Signing at the BECKETT BOOTH
just like last year.
Becket is the publisher that has invited me to sign with them as their
guest at the show. I painted all the covers to the 5 issue RUULE series
from earlier this year. And they will all be available at the BECKETT BOOTH.
Jeff Amano, artist and EIC of Beckett will be there signing with me.
I will be happy to sign everything you bring, and any books you pick
up at my table. With no limit.
I will have original artwork there KABUKI, Dardedevil, Echo, Scarab
and Alias covers.
As well as prints, T-shirts, Hardcovers, and Kabuki paperbacks and
back issues. And current issues
I will be signing all day, everyday, and happy to talk with you and
discuss or answer any questions.
Check davidmackguide.com for more details.
Please sound off here and post if you are going!
See you there!
Oct 08, 2004 3:31 am
Thank you everyone!
It was a great day!
I did some great Kabuki work today. Made some wonderful artistic breakthroughs.
And had an excellent massage today!
I'm grateful for all the kind regards!
Re: Wizard World Texas! I'm there! Just
Oct 08, 2004 3:37 am
I will have all the trades there!
I'll be hanging out with Amano and the Beckett crew after the con, but
maybe Amano and I will stop by the bar some time:)
Don't expect breaking, but mayble I'll do something different this time
Maybe some ballet
Re: Wizard World Texas! I'm there! Just
Oct 08, 2004 3:39 am
Maybe you will be doing the breakdancing this time
Oct 08, 2004 3:43 am
I saw that.
Did you see the page in the same book where the spotlighted Kabuki in the top selling 100 books!
They highlighted Kabuki and put a Kabuki illo in it with a word balloon
Oct 08, 2004 3:44 am
Any volunteers?
Re: Wizard World Texas! I'm there! Just
Oct 08, 2004 3:50 am
I saw that.
Did you see the page in the same book where the spotlighted Kabuki in the top selling 100 books!
They highlighted Kabuki and put a Kabuki illo in it with a word balloon
Re: Wizard World Texas! I'm there! Just
Oct 08, 2004 3:51 am
Glad to hear you are looking forward to Andy Lee.
I'm already planning on discussing it with him.
Re: Wizard World Texas! I'm there! Just
Oct 08, 2004 3:57 am
Now you're talking!
Interpretive dance! My favorite
OK. You've convinced me. You and I will do a diddy.
We can choreograph or just do a spontaneous little thing.
It will be a grand time!
Maybe I can swan dive and you can catch me?