You can't take away my scars. What you see is just the visible horror. But I have made a friend of horror. It is the invisible friends that concern me know. -- Kabuki: Metamorphosis #7
Previews Advertisement: October 1999
(W) David Mack (A) Rick Mays Join us for a story which focuses on Scarab's entrance into the Noh Agency and her
relationship with Tiger Lily.
black & white, 32 pages
Notes: · The issue was sold out at the distributor level in December 2002
· The cover was created by Rick Mays
Designed and maintained by David Thornton, is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by only for the purpose of review.