 Home Portfolio Daredevil #12
Daredevil #12
Credit: Co-cover artist |
Publisher: Marvel |
Release Date: April 19, 2000 |
Price: $2.99 |
Previews Product Code: FEB001078 |
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October 1999
On sale December 29
David Mack/Joe Quesada/Jimmy Palmiotti
One man can put the Kingpin behind bars, but can Daredevil find him in a race against time? Meanwhile, to defend his own life, Wilson Fisk must take the stand-and reveal secrets from his past! And the new villain called Echo throws DD a beating just for good luck! Finally, when Larry (the man who can put away the Kingpin) finds the fat man first, get set for an ending even more shocking than the death of Karen Page! Cover by Joe Quesada & Jimmy Palmiotti. [Previews Product Code: OCT991036]
December 1999
On sale February 16
cover by quesada, palmiotti & mack
david mack/joe quesada/jimmy palmiotti
One man can put the Kingpin behind bars, but can Daredevil find him in a race against the clock? Meanwhile, to defend his own life, Wilson Fisk must take the stand-and reveal secrets from his past! Plus: The new villain called Echo throws DD a beating just for good luck! All this and an ending even more shocking than the death of Karen Page! (Marvel Memo: This is a resolicitation. All previous orders for DAREDEVIL #12 have been canceled.) [Previews Product Code: DEC990996]
February 2000
On sale April 5
cover by rob haynes
jimmy palmiotti & joe quesada/rob haynes
This special issue written by Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti - and featuring the art of Rob Haynes (of the lockblok website) - reveals how the everyday lives of the denizens of Hells Kitchen interconnect with the larger than life battle between Daredevil and Echo. (Marvel Memo: This is a re-solicitation for DAREDEVIL #12. All previous orders for DAREDEVIL #12
are cancelled.)
· The cover was created with Joe Quesada
Related Links:
Portfolio Daredevil #12 (Spanish)
Portfolio Daredevil Parts of a Hole Trade Paperback
Portfolio Daredevil Volume 1 Hardcover
From the collection of David Thornton