Message Boards
WFC: February 1-5, 2005
Re: dare I say...built?
FRI, 2/4/05, 10:26 p.m. - In Response To: dare I say...built? (Gintah
Congrats, Mack, for being oh soooo dreamy.
How are you doing, Gintah?
Good to see you here.
See you at WonderCOn! New Info...
FRI, 2/4/05, 10:36 p.m. - In Response To: revised request for david
hi david! could you bring both scarab action figures, wartorn
kabuki and doppelganger if it's not too much trouble?
Thanks for the reminder!
Feel welcome to remind again if you like.
I'll be at the show all 3 days. The entire time.
I saw the floor plan, and I'm at the table right next to Brian Bendis.
A1 & A28 are our table numgers. Right next to each other in a primo
spot on the show floor. You can't miss us.
As always, we'll be signing at no charge, as many things as you want
to bring, or pick up from my table.
I'll have original art, shirts, back issuess, hardcovers, and lots of
Please post about yourself here...
FRI, 2/4/05, 10:42 p.m.
If you don't mind, I'd like it if everyone here posts to give me a sense
of who stops by here, and any other information that you'd like to give...
What country or city you may be in, what your dreams in life are, your
goals, when you started reading Kabuki and how you found it, or why you decided to try it, what kind of things you like to do, what kind of job you do,
If you are an artist, etc.
Re: photos of the new Kabuki statue
in process
FRI, 2/4/05, 10:29 p.m. - In Response To: Re: photos of the new Kabuki
statue in process (Jenna)
The statue is incredibility beautiful. I love the details
in the shoulders and back. Great work!
Glad you like that!
And that the GLUTES are getting such a good response.
I talked to Clay Moore today, and it is progressing nicely.
And the rest of the Noh Agents busts are on his schedule as well.
Re: photos of the new Kabuki statue
in process
FRI, 2/4/05, 10:32 p.m. - In Response To: Re: photos of the new Kabuki
statue in process (Mandy)
David, you never fail to amaze The statue is turning out beautifully! I want a pair of those boots!
Hi Amanda!
I'm sure you'd look great in them!
Hugs to you too.
It was great to see you in Phoenix.
I'm glad I finally made it out there.
It was nice to walk in the store and immediately see a familiar face!
If you stop by Atomic Comics again, please tell them that I say hello.
Best to you!
Re: photos of the new Kabuki statue
in process
SAT, 2/5/05, 8:41 a.m. - In Response To: Re: photos of the new Kabuki
statue in process (Mandy)
I'll make sure to pass along your greetings, though it will
be at the Mesa store, which I believe you said you visited as well, since
that is the store I usually go to. Can't wait to see you in San Diego!
It's coming up so quick! yay
wishing you all the best and *even more hugs*
Hi Amanda!
I did visit the Mesa store too.
They seemed like very nice people there.
Please give them a big heartfelt hello from me!
And tell them I thank them for all of thier kind hospitality.
I'm so glad I visited AZ. It was a wonderful time.
Made even more wonderful by your great smile and positive and cheerful
And by your great hugs
Thanks for staying all thru my signing!
I'm looking forward to San Diego as well!
You are a delight!
Your fan,
Re: Thanks David, but
SAT, 2/5/05, 12:03 p.m. - In Response To: Thanks David, but (Arie)
that is entirely too much praise!
I hope it did not arrive too much after the holidays!
Actually I used what I had done for the "vanished without a trace"
fan-jam and used that. Glad you like it though I think in the end the fan
lost much of what I intended it to suggest. Oh well, can't win them all!
You are far too modest!
You are a very skilled artist!