They said I’m not playing with a full deck. But I am. It’s just that all the cards are wild.
-- Kabuki: Metamorphosis #7
* Dates Subject to Change *
Kabuki - The Alchemy Hardcover & Trade Paperback: ON SALE
Daredevil - Parts of a Hole Premiere HC: ON SALE
Kabuki - Reflections: Volume 1 Hardcover (regular & limited edition): ON SALE
Daredevil - Echo: Vision Quest Premiere Edition Hardcover: ON SALE
Kabuki - Volume 1: Circle of Blood Hardcover (Regular & Limited Editions): ON SALE
Se7en French Edition Blu-ray: ON SALE
Electric Ant Hardcover: ON SALE
Green Arrow #8: ON SALE
Dream Logic #3: ON SALE
Days Missing - Kestus #4: ON SALE
5 Ronin #4: ON SALE
Justice League of America #56: April 20

Boston Comic Con
April 30 - May 1, 2011
Boston, Massachusetts

Houston Comicpalooza
May 27-29, 2011
Houston, Texas


Home Message Boards WFC: October 1-5, 2003

Re: woody allen
FRI, 10/3/03, 3:53 a.m. - In Response To: woody allen (Jeff)

hey Michael,

damn dude, you do a lot of stuff. ok anyway, so what is it about woody allen that people dig?? I cant really say anything cause I havent sat through any of his fils. I guess the weird things that I hear about him in the news have kept me away, so I never really checked it out.

Just curious, talk to you later


I love his films too. I've seen almost every one. I haven't made it all the way thru Zelig yet. But I like it in concept. Also read his books.

Especially love Stardust Memories, Annie Hall, Celebrity, Husbands and Wives, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Hannah and Her SIsteres and Manhatton.

I love listening to them when I work. I can listen to them over and over again while I work and really zone into my work.

Also relate to them.
Lots of fun.

Re: Indy HeroCLIX This Week!
FRI, 10/3/03, 3:58 a.m. - In Response To: Re: Indy HeroCLIX This Week! (Micah Branstetter)
Some guy opened a couple packs at my store on Wed. He got a Kabuki in each one. I don't play the game so I don't know a whole lot about them, but the Kabuki figures did look pretty cool.
Glad to hear people asking about this. So far there are Hero CLix figures of five Kabuki characters: Kabuki, Scarab, Tigerlily, and both of Siamese. If these go over well, there will be more Kabuki characters in the next round.

Still reading! Thanks! *NT*
FRI, 10/3/03, 4:00 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Who are you and what do you do? (Judd)

Kabuki on TV tuesday show called one tree hill...
SAT, 10/4/03, 7:20 p.m. - In Response To: Kabuki cameo!! (shadow)
Jennie Breeden, the author/artist of the online comic strip "The Devil's Panties" recently included a reference to Kabuki in the strip for today (October 4th). Click on this link to check it out:


Thanks for the cameo update!
On the Tuesday TV shoe One Tree Hill there was another Kabuki cameo...the punk rock cheerleader was reading KABUKI: Scarab while some dude painted her toenails or something. I heard it on the Bendis board. If someone has a still of it, please post it. I signed the release permit to give them permission to air it a couple weeks ago. It was even written in the script that she was reading Scarab.

Order Kabuki: Reflections -
Volume 1 Hardcover Today!

April 11: Webmaster's note

April 7: David Mack attending New York's MoCCA this weekend, MoCCA pre-party, thoughts on two films & more

April 6: Photo of upcoming Dream Logic shirt, David Mack and Tony Solomun art jam zine, David Mack plugged in Qatar newspaper & more

Designed and maintained by David Thornton, is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by only for the purpose of review.