Home Message Boards WFC: October 1-5, 2003
Re: woody allen
FRI, 10/3/03, 3:53 a.m. - In Response To: woody allen (Jeff)
hey Michael,
damn dude, you do a lot of stuff. ok anyway, so what is it about
woody allen that people dig?? I cant really say anything cause I havent
sat through any of his fils. I guess the weird things that I hear about
him in the news have kept me away, so I never really checked it out.
Just curious, talk to you later
I love his films too. I've seen almost every one. I haven't made it all
the way thru Zelig yet. But I like it in concept. Also read his books.
Especially love Stardust Memories, Annie Hall, Celebrity, Husbands and
Wives, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Hannah and Her SIsteres and Manhatton.
I love listening to them when I work. I can listen to them over and
over again while I work and really zone into my work.
Also relate to them.
Lots of fun.
Re: Indy HeroCLIX This Week!
FRI, 10/3/03, 3:58 a.m. - In Response To: Re: Indy HeroCLIX This Week!
(Micah Branstetter)
Some guy opened a couple packs at my store on Wed. He got
a Kabuki in each one. I don't play the game so I don't know a whole lot about them, but the Kabuki figures did look pretty cool.
Glad to hear people asking about this. So far there are Hero CLix figures
of five Kabuki characters: Kabuki, Scarab, Tigerlily, and both of Siamese.
If these go over well, there will be more Kabuki characters in the next round.
Still reading! Thanks! *NT*
FRI, 10/3/03, 4:00 a.m.
In Response To: Re: Who are you and what do you do? (Judd)
Kabuki on TV tuesday show called one tree hill...
SAT, 10/4/03, 7:20 p.m. - In Response To: Kabuki cameo!! (shadow)
Jennie Breeden, the author/artist of the online comic strip
"The Devil's Panties" recently included a reference to Kabuki in the strip
for today (October 4th). Click on this link to check it out:
Thanks for the cameo update!
On the Tuesday TV shoe One Tree Hill there was another Kabuki cameo...the
punk rock cheerleader was reading KABUKI: Scarab while some dude painted her toenails or something. I heard it on the Bendis board. If someone has a still of it, please post it. I signed the release permit to give them
permission to air it a couple weeks ago. It was even written in the script
that she was reading Scarab.