Home Message Boards WFC: September 26-30, 2003
My gallery show news! This week!
MON, 9/29/03, 12:31 a.m.
Here is an update on my new gallery show that will be opening this week!
I have over 300 original art pieces in the show. It is a one man show and
has the ENTIRE main gallery of the university that I graduated from. My
biggest show ever.
Included are: The original art from the entire issues of Daredevil #51-53.
33 original art pages from the Daredevil Wakeup story I did with Brian
Michael Bendis. Hundreds of Kabuki pages from Metamorphosis, Skin Deep
and Dreams (including the entire Ghost play art, and entire Kabuki One Half art).
Four figure sculptures at real life scale. Large full figure paintings
at real life scale and larger. Many, many personal figure drawings, sketches,
studies and doodles. A brand new never before published black and white
autobiographical 8 page story called "Self Portrait".
The original cover art to selected published covers of Kabuki, Daredevil,
Alias and more. The Tori Amos painting I did for her upcoming calendar.
Handmade artbooks including “My Invisible Friend” (as seen in pages
of Kabuki), Father Hymn Book, Mother Her Book. Child hood robot sculpture and first childhood oil painting and more.
Also included are many books and books will be available for sale to
the public at the night of the opening reception.
Also free posters and post cards with the show art are free to public
at the night of opening reception.
Reception will have free food and drinks. Including SUSHI! Yum. I hope
I have time to eat some.
Previous update below will have other info dates, times and lecture
night info:
I have a new gallery exhibit of my artwork in October. It will be held
in the art gallery of the University that I graduated from and will extensively
feature original pages from Kabuki, Daredevil, Echo, and many non-comic
related works and paintings.
The opening night reception of the gallery will be Thursday October
2 from 5-8 pm. It will be held at the main gallery of the Art Building
at Northern Kentucky University. Right across the river from Cincinnati
It is a one man show and my work will be up thoughout October but I
hope people can make it on the opening night, as there will also be a signing
held, a free poster for the gallery show, and books available. On Friday
October 22 I will be having a lecture/discussion at the University. Last
year NKU had Neil Gaiman do this at the University, and If you attended
that you know how fun and interactive this can be.
The last two years the NKU Literature dept hosted something like this.
I did it the first year, and Neil Gaiman did it the second year. This October
the art dept is sponsoring my show and working hand in hand with other
departments of the University including the Literature dept, and book stores
in the area. Both events are free to the public, and everyone is welcomed
to attend!
Who are you and what do you do?
MON, 9/29/03, 4:40 a.m.
Hi friends, I saw this on the Bendis board where everyone was introducing
themselves. I thought it might be fun to learn about what backgrounds people
are coming from here.
Posted: Sep 26, 2003 6:55 am Post subject: Who are you and what do you
Change of pace on this thread. I don't know most of you except by your
posting alias, so it would be cool to at least know your first names and
a bit about you. Here's my suggestion:
Write a brief introduction for yourself, including:
* Your name (first name only, if that's all you'd like to disclose)
* What you do for a living (you don't have to name your employer if
you don't want)
* Any hobbies other than comics (we all know you like comics or else
you wouldn't be posting here)
* Married, single?
* Anything else cool that you'd like to share about yourself
Sound cool?
Wizard votes...
MON, 9/29/03, 5:21 a.m.
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:21 pm
Re: My gallery show news! This week!
MON, 9/29/03, 10:38 p.m. - In Response To: Re: My gallery show news!
This week! (awlrite4now)
Hi Alice,
You are welcome to bring your art right into the gallery. I'm looking
forward to it and I'm sure that the other people there would be happy to
see it too.
You are welcome to take photos in the gallery. Feel free to photograph
any of the art in the show.
Hopefully you will recognize me from photos you've seen. I may look
a bit different from the photos as i've had a few months in between signing
appearances and just working at home, so about a while ago I shaved my
head and have been wearing a goatee as my latest disquise (this way I work
and don't think about hair and shave less often get more work done). (I
don't show up like this at cons because I look too mean with a shaved head
and goatee. My hair is currently a but a bit shorter than most photos :)
I'm sure the gallery director and other artists there will love your
Of course, this is what I want to see the most, David! I
am bringing my poor fabric imitation of this art to show you after the
opening bash, if you have a chance to look at it. I promise I will keep
it out in the car, and will only bring it in if you can grant me the audience.
Hundreds of Kabuki pages from Metamorphosis,
Whoa! You sculpt, too! Why should that surprise me? With as much
as you put into your figure studies, it would make perfect sense. That
was one of my favorite things in college, although I only got a taste of
it in design studio.
I am beginning to hyperventilate.
You sound like you never throw anything away. Me neither
My husband calls me a packrat. I say it's my works in progress, and
things to make more things.
Excellent. I will have to rob the piggy bank, but who cares?
Absolutely too cool! This is going to be some event...If I don't
get there, I will just have to shoot myself. Just kidding. Will you allow
us paeons to take a few pictures? That is the most asked question I've
heard since I decided to go. Inquiring minds want to know.
Best to you, David!
Lecture at NKU Wed October 22 *NT*
MON, 9/29/03, 10:40 p.m. - In Response To: Re: My gallery show news!
This week! (real-tv)
Re: Who are you and what do you do?
TUE, 9/30/03, 4:02 a.m. - In Response To: Re: Who are you and what
do you do? (ShineArmada)
How is Wash U these days? I spent a lot of time there. I sort of went
there unoficially. While I was enrolled at another school, Andy Lee and my girlfriend at the time were enrolled at Wash U and I spent about a week out of every month living at Wash U and even going to many classes there. It was a lot of fun. Then I would drive back to my other school some morning when I needed to show up for tests and turn things in.