Message Boards
WFC: August 11-15, 2003
MON, 8/11/03,
3:26 p.m. - In Response To: Re: MACK INTERVIEW AT CBR (Supergoch)
Thanks Russel!
I was happy to do the interview with you.
A thanks to the
both of you who posted the kind words!
As for the timing
of the new Kabuki series, the details are this:
Image said they
want to really promote the new series as a major event for them as a publisher.
Which I am grateful for. They said they are going to give it the cover
of the PREVIEWS solicitation catalogue for the month it debuts. But they
don't get that oportunity every month. It is like every 3 months or something.
So I haven't yet given an exact date for it because I'm waiting to hear
which month they can confirm it for in their schedule with the cover to
Previews. So far I have heard that January 2004 is an open month for them.
But if It has to be moved to accomodate another date, that is ok too. It
just gives me more time to get ahead on the series.
Thanks for looking
forward to it!
I also
met David at this year's WizardWorld in Chicago and I totally echo the
sentiment that David is one of the most nicest and gracious people to meet
in the industry.
I just read
the article, does this mean we can't expect to see any new Kabuki material until next year? I thought the new series was coming out this fall?
- Supergoch
Welcome! And
thanks all! both trans are right...
MON, 8/11/03,
2:53 p.m. - In Response To: I just got into kabuki (gary)
I just
got into kabuki and i'm finding my back issues, but one thing that intrigues
me, what is the translation of the kanji that scars her face?
Thanks for reading
my work and for seeking out the books!
And my thanks
to all the helpers on the board who so quickly and kindly answered your
It is a translation,
so both interpretaions of Ki are correct right.
Ki also has even
more connotations. It can mean something similar to our word for action,
or even acting, or drama.
Or an actor of
the first two preceeding Kanji. And it can refer to a class system as actors,
and courtesans were of the same lower class. Some people familiar with
the old Chinese versions of it could interpret the Ki to refer to a lower
class courteson or jester type.
I had a Chinese
professor who one read it as "the girl who sings and dances". They are
Chinese characters which the Japanese have absorbed and added slightly
mautated or evolved the translation to it.
Read the first
Kabuki collection, KABUKI: Circle of Blood to see the origin of the scars
and the context of them and their history in the story. Please let me know
what you think!
Kindest regards,
hello all...
TUE, 8/12/03,
10:01 p.m. - In Response To: Mack writing Ultimate X-Men!!!! YAY!!! (Jonathan
Thanks for all
the kind regards about this.
I appreciate your
open mindedness.
I want to reassure
everyone that I am only writing the X book. Which doesn’t take me long.
I am not drawing it. All my art efforts will be on the new Kabuki series.
I know that some
of the long time Kabuki readers may think that the idea of me writing some stories in Ultimate X-men sounds strange, and I have to admit that when I was first offered the job, I probably had the same reaction. Brian Bendis suggested to me that I follow his run on Ultimate X-men. It wasn’t something
that would have occurred to me on my own But Brian reminded me how fun
it is to infiltrate the mainstream and that the Ultimate line is an opportunity
to do new and unexpected things with the characters and to write from personal
And this is a
great excuse to again work with one of my oldest and dearest friends.
He keeps telling
me that I need to step outside my comfort zone of my own characters and
do these characters as a fun experiment.
We have some great
stories for it.
And I will only
do it as long as I think I have fun stories to tell that fit the format
and characters.
Brian and Millar
have set up some great possibilities for me to jump off from. One story
is set in Japan.
As all my other
time will be focused on Kabuki doing all the writing and painting myself, this should be a fun book for my collaboration experience with Brian Bendis.
Just thought I’d
give you the heads up here. Let you know Kabuki is still my primary focus and a project that I will be doing now and for many years to come.
And this will be
a fun collaborative project.
And you may have
heard that when the Alias series comes to close (I think at issue #28?)
and is then continued under the title “The Pulse”, I will not be doing
the covers to “The Pulse”. It is going to be an amazing series, and I will
still be reading it and I love to read Brian Bendis’ stories. And if “you
are reading and enjoying Alias, I urge you to continue reading it under
the new title of “The Pulse”. The stories will continue to be amazing and
hilarious. I’ve always said I’d do the covers for Alias as long as the series ran or as long as Brian was writing it. And it was a lot of great fun. But the Pulse will have a new look for it (which I’m sure will be
incredible), and I will be busy with the New KABUKI series.
Warmest regards,
I love it!
Re: My Snapdragon
THU, 8/14/03,
1:27 a.m. - In Response To: My Snapdragon (jamaica)
wanted to draw Snapdragon for awhile, so here's something nice and quick.
I still get such a buzz when I read Metamorphosis, David.
That looks great!
It is good to
hear from you again.
Re: dragon
THU, 8/14/03,
7:16 p.m. - In Response To: Re: dragon tattoo (elisabeth)
Silly me. You'll
notice I'm posting this at 230 in the morning - I put the wrong link in the first message. This is the right one.
Very cool!
Thanks for posting
And thanks for
reading my books
Would you mind
sending me an actual photo of it to my mail address in the books? I'd be
happy to print it in a future issue.
Re: DD 40th
THU, 8/14/03,
7:19 p.m. - In Response To: DD 40th anniversary (awlrite4now)
Since you have
now seen a little of what I can do with thread, do you think Marvel would
grant me permission to do a DD quilt in conjunction with next year's 40th
anniversary of the character?
It would be
so cool to do a cover from each artist who has worked on DD, and I really would like to do this fiber art piece that could include some of the favorite and famous quotes and panels from the beginning. Who should I contact to
get permission for this? Once again, it would be a one-shot, not for sale
piece. Got any advice?
As long as it is not
for sale, I think that you can make it without any official permission.
I'm sure that they would love to see it. It looks like your work is very
popular on all the messageboards you posted it on!
for your help, and I hope you and Ahn enjoy the piece I sent.
We love it!
Thank you so much!
Re: Poor Europe
FRI, 8/15/03,
11:17 p.m. - In Response To: Poor Europe (Yojimbo4)
Thanks for your
message and kind regards!
I just wanted
to let you know that I've been to both the Essen and Erlangen Conventions
in Germany, and that I have signed there many times (at Terminal Entertainment
in Frankfurt and at Nic's Comics in Deuseldorf).
I really enjoy
Europe and I have a great time in Germany. I buy a lot of German and other
European books when I am there. I think there are very impressive artists
doing wonderful personal and independant projects that are very inspiring
to me.
And I love the
production and printing values of the books in Germany. When Infinity Verlag
published German translations of Kabukii, I was very happy with thier work
and production choices, printing, paper, etc.
Thanks for reading
my work and for making the extra effort to find it!
Warmest regards,
I just wanted the lucky americans know how good you can feel ! You have
got all the fancy stuff. Anywhere you can buy busts, sculptures, artwork,
comics you can even see all the heros of writing, inking,drawing in person.
You have got cons like san diego. All we poor germans have is two very
small cons and it is a true pain in the ass ( and whooping expensive) to
get all the good stuff. Especially from my favourite David. But i have
set my goal to open a really professional David /Kabuki website like nohtv.
europe has got to get important for the comic-business as well - or we
will always be just the kids trying to get a peek over the fence. In some
cases ( only very few :-)) It is very frustrating to be european !
real life Kabuki
FRI, 8/15/03,
4:49 p.m. - In Response To: Mr.Mack, is it creepy..... (Tree Borne Kettle
Me and my bro
were talking about people dressing up for comic conventions as there favourite
comic characters. I told him that if I were to ever dress up for one, or
maybe even do it for halloween one year, that I would definatly be one
of your agents. He said he thought that the creators might find it creepy
when fans dress up as the characters they created. So tell me, do you find
it creepy at all? And while we are on the subject, what costume from Kabuki do you see most often, and wich have you seen least often? thanx, Haylan!
I'm always happy to
see readers dressed as my characters.
I'm fascinated
to see the artful decisions that go into the problem solving of creating
the functional costume.
I've really enjoyed
seeing each and every real life costume and character. The real life costume
that I've seen the most is Snapdragon. This one seems to be by far the
most popular. With Kabuki in second place. Then Scarab, then Tigerlily, then Siamese, then Ice, then Butoh.
This order is just
based on the costumes that I have personally seen for myself. I've heard
of many other people wearing costumes for Halloween and parties and cons
that I have not seen for myself.
If you make a costume,
please send me a photo!
Re: real life
Kabuki costumes...
FRI, 8/15/03,
11:11 p.m. - In Response To: Re: real life Kabuki costumes... (Tree Borne
Kettle Girl)
I was wondering
what the most popular costume was to base my decision off of that, I would
want to do one of the unpopular ones. Just out of curiosity, is there a
web site you know of where we could see these costumes? I've looked, and
I found 1 scarab costume, thats it.. and I would love to see more! This
year I'm being old school Mystique for halloween, but I may just make one
of yours in my free time for the hell of it. If I do, you will be the first
one I send pictures to, with pride. Thanks again! ~Haylan
Thanks Haylan,
I look forward
to it.
I did include
some photos of people in costume in some of the Reflections issues. I know
Reflections #4 has different people as Scarab, and a couple Kabuki, and a few Snap Dragon.
I think the other 3 issues [of Reflections] may also have some photos of these costumes and people with the Kabuki tattoos.