Message Boards
WFC: November 26-30, 2001
Re: Hey David
TUE, 11/27/01, 1:05 a.m. - In Response To: Hey David (Tony Solomun)
Hi TOny,
I will be in OZ and NZ in April!
I intend for the Scarab artbook to mostly showcase Rick's studies and paintings for the series as well as a lot of his sketchbook stuff that went into it.
But it will probably have some of my stuff in it too. Maybe some Scarab sketches or even some of my panel layouts and Scarab scripts.
But I have two drawers full of amazing art by Rick that no one has seen,
and I really want others to enjoy.
hi, long time no speak.
the kabuki film news sounds exciting,
i really look forward to meeting you april next year and hope you
have a good time in oz.
i only have one question about the scarab artbook.
will it only showcase rick's art or will you have some of your stuff in it.
thanks buddy.
Re: will u produce scarab posters?
TUE, 11/27/01, 1:07 a.m. - In Response To: will u produce scarab posters?
*NT* (Magnus)
I would like to make a poster of the Scarab #4 cover.
What do you think?
Re: The new story in the dreams hardcover
TUE, 11/27/01, 1:08 a.m. - In Response To: The new story in the dreams
hardcover (jessie)
Will the new story take place after metamorphisis?
It fits right into chronology of the other stories that are in Dreams.
Re: Mid-Ohio-Con Coverage @ GrayHaven Magazine
TUE, 11/27/01, 1:10 a.m. - In Response To: Mid-Ohio-Con Coverage @
GrayHaven Magazine (dEnny)
Hey guys I did a write-up of last year's Mid-Ohio-Con in
preparation for this years. I hope you enjoy it as well as my pictures
and sketches! Some cool Mack, Lee, Bendis, Lieber and more sketches.
Let me know what you think!
It was great to see you at Mid Ohio Con, Denny!
Thanks for moderating my Q&A panel.
I enjoyed it. We'll have to do it again next year.
Re: poster art
TUE, 11/27/01, 1:18 a.m. - In Response To: poster art (Scott Summers)
I do have all of the Kabuki posters available. Your local comic store should still be able to order them all from Diamond Distribution.
If that is a problem, you can order them from the Kabuki Checklist (in
the books or on the NohTV site), or e-mail Anh directly at anh2tran@yahoo.com.
You can get any of them seperately, or all four posters as a set for
a bit cheaper. I'll be happy to sign them for you if you remind us.
Thanks for seeking them out and for reading my work!
dear david or anyone who can help me,
i've been dying to get my hands on the three piece poster that was
produced about 2-3 years ago based on the alternate covers on the image
kabuki story line...i was wondering if they were still available, and if not, are the posters that are available through this site available to
be seen? please help me b/c i badly need to grace my walls with the fabulous
art of david mack! Mack definitely inspired me to pick up the pen n pad
Re: question about the noh tat
TUE, 11/27/01, 1:22 a.m. - In Response To: question about the noh tat
(Cato-Caitlin Mad is on)
ok, my friend wants to get the noh tat but she says that
they are different for each agent. is this true, or is she seeing things?
she wants the one scarab has. she also wants the black design thingy scarab
had to have removed when she became a noh agent. she's a freak.
The idea is that all the NOH agents have the same tat. But Rick Mays sort
of has his own style, and on some of his early Scarab/Tigerlily shots the
tat is a little bit more stylized.
Give my regards to your friend, and ask her to send me photos of the
tattoos if she gets them.
Re: family
TUE, 11/27/01, 1:23 a.m.
Give the family my regards, but go ahead and cross me off the list.
hey mack!
i'm just asking, you can decide not to answer but it would help a
lot if you would.....i know an old man whos looking for his son ,,,,,named
ironically david mack.
i'm trying to help him find him , as his time probably wont be much
to long, and i think if he at least knew how his son was doing it would
really lift his spirits, he doesnt even mind if the kid doesnt even want
to talk to him, he understands why, just to know that the son is doing
ok and such.....also, your artwork looks a lot like barkleys(nickname)
picture that he has in his studio., so if youre david barkley mack, son
to susan and bill, please, you can contact me, and let me know, and even
if youre not, please let me know so i know who to eliminate from the list
of possibilities... thank you, and i hope i'm not taking too much time
from your evidentally busy schedule, regards, and continue the good work,
- kappa
TUE, 11/27/01, 1:40 a.m. - In Response To: concerning news regarding
david mack... (randy stone)
First Kabuki story I drew. I guess I had just turned 20. Still young enough that I still needed to get that sort of thing out of my system before I could move on.
I pretty much wrote about this sort of thing in the intro to KABUKI
CLASSICS #1 which presents that KABUKI Fear the Reaper story. Certain creators
like Frank Miller were a big inspiration to me when I was first deciding
to do work in comics.
Sometimes you think you are doing homages to them, but really you just
need to do about 100 pages of work to get the more superficial aspects
of your early influences out of your system.
though i still regard mack as the most impressive creator
in comics, and probably the biggest inspiration to me, i was flipping through
frank miller's wolverine mini series last night when i came across a very
familiar image...
there is a close up shot of lord shingen's face that was used by
david to draw the old man in scene 3 of the circle of blood prologue
when i first read the eary kabuki, i could totally see a FM influence, and thought about that with this image in particular, but i thought it was just an influence...
this doesn't really change my opinion of david at all, i hold him
in the highest regard... i was just wondering why someone who is obviously
skilled enough to draw something on his own would copy the image almost
exactly! if it was an homage to frank miller, then i can respect that,
but were the identical shadows on the ears, shading under the nose, etc
please saticefy my curiousity mr mack, i'd like to know what that
was about
Re: Anyone meet Stuart Sayger?
TUE, 11/27/01, 1:43 a.m. - In Response To: Anyone meet Stuart Sayger?
It was a shame that I waited until Sunday to stop by and
chec this guy out. Some amazing work! Very high enerfy stuff, sort of a
Sinkiewicz vein, but definitely his own style. A lot of potential, check
out the link down below.
I've been running into him at cons for the past few years. He always has
encouraging things to say. He seems like a real good guy and his art progresses
constantly. I'm glad he finally set up at a show and got his work in print.
Re: tshirt size/description question
TUE, 11/27/01, 1:46 a.m. - In Response To: tshirt size/description
question (azalea path)
hiya. what exactly is a 'girl sized' tshirt? it it actualy
cut less bulky than the regular small sized tshirt? does it have 'ringers'
around the sleaves?
Yes. Yes.
also does the noh dragon tattoo shirt have its graphic on the back? do i get a choice of white or black?
Yes. It is a black shirt with the Noh Dragon on the back in white linework.
On the front it says KABUKI in cool little letters.
Thanks for asking. If you have any more questions let us know. Or E-mail
Anh Tran directly at Anh2tran@yahoo.com.
Thanks for reading my books,
*laughs* a zillion questions. answers would be appriciated.....also
if any has picts of full back kabuki tattoo i'd love to see them because i'm still considering one.
KABUKI vol 2 - New DREAMS Hard Cover...
TUE, 11/27/01, 2:25 a.m.
Just a reminder that the DREAMS hard cover will be shipping soon. I’ll let you know the exact date as soon as I get it.
I redesigned everything about this book and I’m really happy with it.
It includes:
* More than twice the pages of the previous DREAMS paperback.
* Improved paper stock! Better & thicker paper than any Kabuki book
has ever had before.
* (1) The painted story from the KABUKI Color Special (my first painted
story ever).
* (2) The painted story from KABUKI Dreams of the Dead.
* (3) The painted story from the KABUKI 1/2.
* (4) An ALL NEW painted story just for this book. This story is the
most recent Kabuki work I have done and I’m real happy with it. It has
a lot of evolution and mixed media.
* This book also includes the story that originally appeared in the
anthology Crypt of Dawn #2. I’ve never reprinted that story ever before. It wasn’t even in the solicitation from the Previews catalogue. I was writing the after word and putting some sketches with it, and this story just sort of fit right into it.
* All new introduction by Brian Bendis. This is a good one. Talks about
our early days trying to make it in the biz.
* Lots of brand new art pages but into the design of the book, intro
pages, pages between the chapters, etc.
* Afterword with some commentary on the story and my process in making
* Also included is the 10 page article/interview/Kabuki spotlight from
France’s EKLLIPSE magazine. This is probably the best designed, most in depth Kabuki article/interview that any magazine has ever published.
* Embossed hardcover, and all new dust jacket. Best designed Kabuki book to date.
If you don’t have it on order yet, ask your retailer to re-order it
from the Diamond PREVIEWS catalogue. The signed and #ed with original sketch
are still available as well, but these are LIMITED to only 500, so you
have to PRE- order them with your local retailer.
Had a great Mid OHIO CON
TUE, 11/27/01, 2:37 a.m. - I met a lot of lurkers from this board.
Denny, John G, and Sal from the Bendis board. Jubal. And Katie from
this board gave me those photos of her dressed as Snapdragon that she had
posted about. The costume is very impressive. Thank You.
Bendis, Oeming, Andy Lee and I had a great time at the con and hanging out at the hotel swimming pool at night. It was great to hang our with
my long time pals after all of us had such succesful con days. Roger Price
who runs the show, Tony Isabella, and all of the con staff were great in
really making it a great show for us. I finally made it to one of the LAUGHING
OGRE's (comic store in Columbus) pre con parties. We all went over in a
shuttle with Dave Gibbons and Paul Jenkins. It was good to see these guys
again. Great people. And the Laughing Ogre is an amazing comic book store. Check it out.
Saw Justin from this board. He restocked on the Kabuki prints that you can get on the WFCOMICS site.
The Q&A panel that I did was a lot of fun. I want to thank all the
people that attended and made it so interesting with your questions.
Re: question about the noh tat
TUE, 11/27/01, 7:34 p.m. - In Response To: Re: question about the noh
tat (Andrea)
ok this is caito's friend...the one who wants the tat. Hey
David got favor to ask of you... is there any way you can do a clear picture
of NOH tat. if you can't I understand.. thanks reading...
Hi Andrea,
I printed one in Reflections #3 for just this sort of thing. It is a clear line work of the NOH tat. Just enlarge it on a photo copier to the size that you want. The back ground of the page is on a light lavendar
color paper, so you may want to put the copy machine on a lighter setting so that it copies it as a clear and crisp black and white.
Reg DREAMS HC is $25, signed,#ed,w/sketch is $50
TUE, 11/27/01, 10:37 p.m. - In Response To: I read the new story at
Mid-Ohio con.... (Denny Haynes)
Thanks for all the kind words, Denny.
Actually, I just went and re-read that mock-up of the Dreams HC (that
you saw at the con) from front to back, and I am really happy with the
finished package. Allowing a couple of weeks to pass since I last put the
finishing touches on it, have allowed me to sort of view it for the first
time objectively, without really remembering every detail, and it gave
me a great fresh perspective on it.
Definitely the collection that I am most satisfied with in terms of
and it was great, my heart was thumping and I just couldn't
believe I was getting to read this story before it came out. Mack did an
amazing job. I loved the photo montaging, I couldn't believe that was Anh it looked like Kabuki and I realize he probably uses her as the model, but it's like they are two different people, it just blew me away.
And the doll he made for that story WOW!!! I can't recommend this
book enough! You can see the love Mack puts into this book.
Just wondering, how much are the signed, #ed w/ sketch one going
for. The regular hc is only $25 so I'm thinking $50 or more.
Sorry I gush so much, but it's all because of the work.
Bendis panel transcript from Mid Ohio Con
TUE, 11/27/01, 10:50 p.m. - BENDIS PANEL AT MID-OHIO-CON
Following is an edited transcript of the question-and-answer portion
of Brian Michael Bendis' panel at the Mid-Ohio-Con on Sunday in Columbus, Ohio.
Question: As a writer, do you think the industry has too much of one
Bendis: It's the same with movies. Every time you buy a movie ticket,
you cast a vote to get 10 more movies like that next year. When you say
you're going to see the Flintstones, you guarantee that there will be 10
more bad cartoon movies next year.
It's the same thing with comics. You guys go, "I'm going to buy a big-breasted
sword book." That means you're going to get 10 more next year. The people
in comics try to deliver to people what they think they want, and little
do they know, right? They just go for the trends.
With comics recently, they're being writer-focused, which I've never
seen before. When I was first breaking into comics, it was all artists.
It was Image and the double-page spreads. Like every page had to have a
giant image on it with a little panel at the top and bottom to do the story-telling.
Me and (David) Mack would sit there and go, "Oh, when is this going to
be over?" It was cheesy and over-rendered and boring and it just went on
and on and on.
[ For the complete transcript, please download this month's message board posts ]