Message Boards
WFC: July 11-15, 2001
Re: Mr Mack. A thank you. RE DD 16-19
THU, 7/12/01, 7:44 a.m. - In Response To: Mr Mack. A thank you. RE
DD 16-19 (just Jeffery)
Thank you very much for this response. I really appreciate you taking
the time to let us know how you feel about this story, and It really makes
my happy to know that you got something very positive from it.
I really hope that Quesada and Marvel Knights will print your response in the DD letters page. We have recieved several letters from people who do seem profoundly touched by this series. Many from people who were abused. many for other more subtle reasons. I really appreciate your response with the persective of you as a father.
It is good to remind readers that there are people of all situations
that can really appreciate the human touch in comcis and a story like this.
Thank you.
Warmest regards,
David Mack
I was going to email you, but I dont see an address, so
I figure posting here is the next best thing...
A letter that is going out to Joe Quesada and Brian Bendis...
Mr. Bendis, Mr. Mack & Mr. Quesada
I'm addressing you as a group because I only want to cry about this
once. I've never had a comic hit me so close to home as Daredevil 16-19.
I know Brian is aware of it, but I have two sons with autism. I know that
is NOT what the Daredevil arc is about, but Ill be damned if that's not my oldest son in the arc no, he's not abused, nor has he seen a superhero beat up his dad but Brian and David have shown every single reader exactly
what its like at my house. My sons lack of speech, the ease of which he
"zones out", his compulsive fascination with books, his break-downs and,
in the end, knowing that everyone once and a while he can be reach. Can
be loved and can love me back. I find it uncanny the way Timmy's state
compares to my sons. I would love to know who David studied to get the
dead on look of a child who isn't with you even though he's sitting right
in front of you I think the thing that hit me the hardest is when Timmy
touches Daredevils face in the rare instance that I have my sons undivided attention, he does that exact same thing so I sat here with my comics and cried.
So THANK YOU, Mr. Bendis, for such a fantastic story, and for all
the things you've done for my family. THANK YOU, Mr. Mack, for such a powerful
and emotional collection of work. THANK YOU both for making me sit here
and cry, but for also reminding me that every child is a gift and that,
no matter what's "wrong" with them, they are the greatest thing that can
ever happen to a family and THANK YOU Mr Quesada, for giving those guys
the reigns and letting them take Daredevil OUT of a Daredevil comic to
tell such an awe inspiring story.
Jeffery J LaJaunie
Re: DD #19 Shipped yesterday...
THU, 7/12/01, 1:39 p.m. - In Response To: Re: DD #19 Shipped yesterday...
I thought it was a great change of pace from the usual DD story.
I liked how it was essentially a story about DD but through the eyes of
Ben and Timmy. I really liked the idea that Ben was upset because he knew
JJ wouldn't want to print the story that he wanted to write.
Not to give away some of the meanings that Brian layered into his script, but if it has not yet occurred to you...
Read the Ben, Jonah, Journalism stuff again from the first issue. Ben
talking about the newspaper industry is actually a direct metaphor for
the comic book industry. There is a lot of good stuff in there that I don't
think people have actually realized.
You have to follow your instincts and do the story that pulls at your
heart rather than what the percieved publishing rule is of "what will sell".
Not to mention that the art was amazing. I really like how
you changed art styles depending on what you were trying to convey. IE
the "crayon" look of the fights with DD and the Fury. This was a great way to emphasize who the perspective was from.
Thanks for a great arc to all involved. I hope to see more of this
type of work throughout comicdom.
Re: MACK! Question for ya!
THU, 7/12/01, 5:34 p.m. - In Response To: MACK! Question for ya! (Dan
Since I compared you with Jason Lutes what is your opinion
of him and his work?
I've only met him once. We had dinner together in Germany (Frankfurt) as
we were both going to do a signing at the same store in Frankfurt (Terminal
Entertainment) and they took us out for dinner.
Though our time was limited, he seemed like a very nice and intelligent
person. His artwork looks great, but I have not read his books, though
i hear that they are wonderful.