Home Message Boards WFC: February 11-15, 2001
Re: hi David can you please answer
MON, 2/12/01, 9:36 p.m. - In Response To: hi David can you please answer
Hi Adrian,
Just been workin on some stuff.
I mentioned that I had been asked by the Wolverine editor to do a Wolverine project. And I let him know that I was already considering having Wolvering
making an appearance in the ECHO project that I am planning. I think I have a good take on the character and have a lot of great VISUAL possibilities in mind.
hi pal
i'm just worried over the last few weeks that you are not interested
in what i have to ask you i'm really sorry if you answered this before
but what's this new echo&wolvie projects i heard on npo?you are really
1 busy puppy +brian told me that your DD painted looks great i can't wait
thanks for talking to me
Buying directly from David (and message for stores
TUE, 2/13/01, 12:59 p.m. - In Response To: Buying directly from David
(Thi Tran)
Hello Thi!
I know that in the back of every Kabuki book, it says to
try and order books from retailers first. But I've tried that already.
Almost three months later, and I'm
Thanks for trying. I say this because I want retailers to hear people asking for the books so thay they know there is a demand for the books so that
they will order enough AHEAD OF TIME. If the retailer WILL NOT order or
re-order the books for my readers I will certainly make sure that the readers
CAN get the books from me.
Image and I make every effort to keep books in stock and easy to re-order
so that stores can constantly have a healthy supply of Kabuki books. But for some reason I get a lot messages about people not being able to get my books in stores, or that the store is not willing to order it for them.
I am very happy to be there to insure that readers do get my books,
and I actually do a BOOMING business in mail order.
But I wish the retailers would order enough ahead of time to put me out of business as a book seller. Readers need stores that they know will
always have every Kabuki item in stock.
I think these stores would sell a lot more books and win a lot more
solid readers if they had all the Kabuki collections on display and in good supply. THere are a LOT of great stores that do this with amazing success. And everytime I try to thank them for their support, they insist that it is just smart business for them and that is how they sell so many Kabuki books and maintain repeat customers.
STILL WAITING for Kabuki: Metamorphosis. Since I've never ordered away for anything, there are some minor things I need to know 1. When it says 1-4 weeks delivery, does that mean I have to wait longer because
I live in Australia.
Anh says not if you send a Money order. She says the package will definitely arrive to Australia within the standard time.
2. Should I buy Kabuki: Dreams well (I still don't have
it), or should I wait for the second addition.
THat's a matter of personal preference.
I would suggest getting it so that you have it for the story. But if
you prefer the Hardcover version with the other stuff, we plan to offer it late in the year. Should be out before Christmas.
3. Do I write the item name on the money order or the envelope?
Just write a list of what you want on the envelope or a seperate peice
of paper, not on the money order.
Any answer would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for pursuing my work. I appreciate it. You're welcome to enclose
a note or letter if you like.
It's official, I will be at Pittsburgh Con!
WED, 2/14/01, 6:58 p.m.
I will be there with Bendis, Andy Lee and Mike Oeming. So far it looks
like I will be there all three days if I arrive early enough Friday. If
not, I will be set up Sat and Sun for sure.
So... cons I will be at:
March -- Seatle
April-- Atlanta Comicon, Wondercon in Oakland CA, and Pittsburgh Comicon.
May-- Motor city
and I will also be at Chicago, San Diego, Mid-Ohio.
Some Scarab 7 & 8 info. (Adam Hughes art?)
THU, 2/15/01, 1:31 a.m. - In Response To: hi David (Adrian)
i saw the new swamp thing cover and it's beautiful
i was just wondering when scarab8 is getting solicited
because it's not bi monthly this time
you still doing some art on it?
I certainly am doing some art on it. A small amount (3-5 pages?) but
it makes great sense in terms of the story telling.
I didn't want to solicit it until I finished the DD book that I just finished, so I will solicit it for the next solicitation deadline.
There will be an add for the Scarab Mask on the back of Scarab #7.
And I spoke to Adam Hughes today. He's agreed to do a Kabuki piece or
a Scarab cover years ago and we sort of mention it when he speak at cons.
But I let him know that I will be soliciting Scarab #8 soon and asked if he wanted to do the cover for it. He said yes, but i'm not going to solicit it with him as the cover artis unless I actually have the art in my hands, so we'll have to wait and see if he finishes up some of his other deadlines
first and has a chance to do it before the next solicitation deadline.