Message Boards
WFC: December 1-5, 2000
Comic Book World...
FRI, 12/1/00, 5:39 p.m.
I'm curious, does anyone on this board go to any of the Comic Book world
Locations (Cincinnati OH, Florence KY, or Louisville KY)?
This is a great shop (all of em, but I usually go to the Florence shop).
I've signed at all of them more than once, and they always have a great
display of Kabuki.
Just curious if anyone here goes there, as I've shopped there for years.
If you do, say hi to them for me (Paul at Florence, Doug at Louisville,
Re: Kabuki movie.....
SAT, 12/2/00, 1:01 p.m. - In Response To: Kabuki movie..... (Ron Wm
Thanks friends.
What Bendis is refering to on his board, is that: Fox had previously bought an eighteen month option from me. That means that for that period of time, they have the exclusive right to develope Kabuki into a film.
And we have been doing just that for the last year and a half.
The news is that the option time period just expired, and they have
renewed the option by buying another 12 months of exclusive rights to develope
the film. This is good news because options don't often get renewed. Often,
if things aren't completed in the first option period, the studio drops
the project. Bendis was telling me this is great because i'm the only person
he knows whose option got picked up.
So far it has been a great experience working on the film project. I've
learned a lot writing for a new medium and working with other talented
professionals whose work I admire and am learning from.
This project has been in development for a while now. It
started off as a possible live-action movie years back, and moved to animation
about a year and a half ago, if I remember correctly.
David spent a good portion of the last year writing the script for
it, and has been given various additional job titles for the movie. If
my memory serves me, they started shopping around to animation studios
last year.
The unfortunate side is that David, by contract, can't discuss the
progress (or most any other aspects) of the movie......we just have to
be patient (not easy for me) and cross our fingers.....
But the whole process of getting it this far seems as if it's been
quite a ride....
Re: Scripts
SUN, 12/3/00, 9:06 p.m. - In Response To: Re: Scripts (Duane)
I enjoy writing and personally find it a slow process when
trying to write a story in script format. I find myself just wanting to
write it out in more of a short story layout. I thought maybe I could learn
a few things from David the writer.
Hi Duane,
I certainly don't start in anything resembling a script format.
I could start in a couple different ways. One is to just keep writing
down all kind os little notes of first pesrson voice over, dialogue, scenes,
or any ideas. And then develope the structure based on the developement
of the character.
I don't write in a script format with indications of panels and captions,
etc, until the very last phase.
A lot of it I just sort of begin by writing as a first person journal
There are a lot of ways to begin, but I save the script part for last.
I don't think of it in the beginning, because it is just a tool to organize
the story that I first collage together in less conventional ways.