Home Message Boards NPO: November 2000
Nov 3, 2000 3:03 PM
Hi Gandalf,
Brian Bendis did ask me to do a team up story with him. Most likely
I will do it in Collaberation with Rick Mays. There are lots of possibilies and we haven't totaly decided, but I have spoken to Rick about him Drawing
a Master of Kung Fu series that I may possibly write. So Brian and I mentioned a possibility of doing that in Team up as well, with me doing layouts and storytelling and Rick drawing it.
Still there are some other possibilities and other ways I could implement
the art for them.
What character would all of you as readers like to see Brian and I collaberate
on in Team up? Maybe you have some suggestions that have not occured to me.
Nov 15, 2000 8:16 PM
Reminding everyone that I will be at Mid Ohio con in Colombus this month
(Saturday and Sunday after Thanksgiving).
I will have a table next to Brian Bendis, Mike Oeming and Andy Lee.
If you keep it a secret, I may be able to give you just a little peak at
copies my artwork from the new Daredevil story with Bendis. SSHHHH.
As usual, I will be signing at my table the entire time (except for
when I have to speak at one or to convention panels or take a lunch break).
I will have a vast selection of Kabuki prints available, Original art (including a lot of the Scarab pages), Kabuki Action figures, busts, posters, t-shirts, Back issues, trades and hardcovers. The printer promises that I will have
the Metamorphosis hardcover at the show.
If anyone wants me to bring the 48 page German edition Kabuki portfolio, ask ahead of time. These things weigh ten pounds each, and I will only bring what people pre-request. They sell for $120 and are 48 poster size prints of the best quality and production value. It is the story artwork
from "Dreams" in addition to assorted cover art, and it all comes in a big canvas hardcover case with the Kabuki Kanji embossed on the cover.
Also please request early if you are looking for any of the foreign
language Kabuki issues.
I will be happy to sign anything that you buy from my table (Anh will
be there to assist you) and I will sign any of my work that you bring.
Come say hello. No need to be shy. I have not limit on how many books I
will sign for you. You can bring your entire Kabuki collection if you so desire. I'm very appreciative that you have it and read it.
I hope you can make it to the show. Let me know if there are any other
questions about the show.
Oh, I will also be able to have the Kabuki one half at the convention
for the first time. Will have other rare books too, like the Fan edition,
the Gallery(get Oeming and Bendis to Sign it). I should really emphasize
how great it is to have Bendis, Oeming and Andy Lee at this show. Andy
has a ton of huge chinese type paintings and does requests right there
in front of your eyes as if it is some kind of messy performance art. His
table is a sight to behold. I think Oeming does sketches too and all these
lads are very outgoing friendly people.
See you there,
Nov 16, 2000 6:08 AM
Yes I will be at WOnder Con. See you there. DM
Nov 21, 2000 4:13 AM
Joe Quesada and Nanci had their baby last night!
As Bendis says, Join me in congratulating two great people who are now three great people.
Nov 21, 2000 9:10 PM
Hey friends,
The new version of the NOH TV KABUKI site was just put up at NOH TV.com.
VERY informative and detailed.
Nov 24, 2000 1:49 AM
Go see UNBREAKABLE! Great film and two of my DAREDEVIL covers are in
the movie.
Nov 27, 2000 12:46 PM
Below a copy of what I posted on the WFCOMICS message board upon returning
from the MID-OHIO con:
This was probably my favorite year there. GREAT show.
They moved the con to the HILTON which is very classy. Much better
venue which I'm told is to be the place from now on.
MID-OHIO Con and Roger Price was really great to us. They totally
took care of us. They set me, Bendis, Oeming, and Andy lee together filling
up one wall space of our own. THe four of us had a blast together and
there was a real synergy between all of our fans. A fan from one of
us, soon became a fan of each of us after visiting our collective tables.
It was great to hang out with these good friends again and our good
pal Paul Jenkins graced us with his presence and unique British demeanor.
Justin of WFCOMICS was there and did a great job.
Also thanks to the Sequential Tarts for hosting some great panel
discussions. I did two panels. One with Oeming, Jenkins, Andy Lee, Chris
Sprouse and Angel Medina. THese guys were all great and so was the audience. Good questions.
And for the first time I did a solo panel. I usually don't do many
panels at cons, as I like to talk to readers at my table. But these panels
were very well organized, classy and packed with people. Thanks TONY.
So I think I will do more of Mid Ohio's panels in the future. THis
one was called SPOTLIGHT ON DAVID MACK. So lucky for me the whole audience
actually showed up. The whole thing was quite enjoyable and everyone
asked great questions.
I met a lot of people from the message boards. Mine and Bendis'.
Jim Burdo from this board was there. Jeff peterson, Trick, Denny
Haynes, John G and more. Probably most memorable, and most visible was
Jessica from this board who had previously posted a pic of her Kabuki Tattoo. She has a stunning very well designed and executed FULL SIZE
Noh Tat on her back and wore an outfit that completely displayed the
tat. Very impressive.
I also want to thank the people that showed me the 2d and 3d Kabuki art that they have made for colledge classes. Met a lot of art students
and this was very cool and flattering.
I have to thank the Laughing Ogre comic store for taking all of
us out to dinner and for all the support of our work in the store.
The guys that do Sketch Magazine and Blue line art products were
there as well as a ton of other great artists and professionals. Steve
Lieber of White out was across from us. Eddy Newel, Daryl Banks, and
a lot of the other Mid Ohio regualars. If you get the chance to do
this con next year you should. I go every year and it is a great classy
and relaxed vibe at this con.
Happy people reacted so well to the Metamorphosis Hardcover that I had on display and that people really seemed to respond so well to the new Dardevil art that I had at the table.
Thanks a lot for coming.
Nov 29, 2000 10:10 AM
A remindeer that the Kabuki Metamorphosis Hardcover hit stores today.
It collects Kabuki 1-9.
Nov 30, 2000 12:28 PM
Response to TRiple H in post 655:
It is sort of a precarious balancing act. I pretty much spend the whole
waking day working. I prefer this to be on either painting or writing,
but sometimes I do have to take care of the business and comunications
stuff. I sort of adopt a different sleeping, eating and excercise schedule
every two weeks, to accomodate and get the most out of the shift into a
different kind of work: from writing to drawing to painting to lettering.
I usually catch up on my writing when I am traveling. I do a lot of my
writing on the plane, bus, train, car. That way I have more time for the
painting when I am at home. It is more difficult to draw on the plane,
though I've done it a few times. But I try to reserve that time for the
concept stages.
What I like to do, is go into work right when I wake up (be it painting
or writing) and not take a break until I've got a satisfying amount done.
Maybe after six hours or so. Then I eat my first meal. THen I take care
of business calls, e-mails, etc. Get my physical excercise. Then I go back
to the next phase and work the rest of the night undisturbed.
Nov 30, 2000 12:31 PM
Response to Goatman in 661-662:
I do get mail from readers in Japan. There are shops there that get
the American version. I am also working on getting it translated to Japanese
and distributed to other stores.