Home Message Boards Joe Quesada: September 2003
Daredevil #51...
Sep. 09 2003,11:18
This first issue of my new DD arc hit stores last week. It is a five issue story that I write and paint. If you've had a chance to read it, please let me know your reaction to it.
I think the next issue (DD #52) ships next week.
Kindest regards,
David Mack
Daredevil #51...
Sep. 09 2003,23:03
arcane67 Posted on Sep. 09 2003,11:51:
I loved the issue! I've only seen your work on the Alias covers up to this point (I know, I know, living under a rock...) but I
was very impressed with whatb I saw & read. It was a nice change of
pace & I'm looking forward to the rest of your run.
Hi arcane,
Thanks for the kind words!
If you liked this DD story, I suggest you check out my Kabuki books.
KABUKI: Metamorphosis (vol 5) is my fave. If you get a chance to read any, please let me know what you think.
Daredevil #51...
Sep. 09 2003,23:09
Trauma1 Posted on Sep. 09 2003,12:46
Easy David or Mr Mack
You are a GOD trust!!!
I loved this issue, this is my review from the Comic Book Bin
COVERS: David Mack
WRITER: David Mack
PENCILER: David Mack
The last time we saw we saw Echowas issue #9, all the way back in December of '99. Straight away you felt a connection with the character. Parts Of A Hole was a classic story and now Mackis back and he's brought Echo, to explore what happened to her and to see how she evolved.
David Mackis a true storyteller at its very purest essence! Echohas
many demons, her life has not been easy. She's a fighter, but you can only
tread water so long in quick sand. The feeling that is conjured up by these…….by
these words, is something that only few can do! We learn about her past
through snippets, flash frames, shards of memory. She needs to rebuild
herself, but what do you do when you have descended into your own private
h#&%!?! Simple……you go visit the devil!
I think the only way I can describe the art in this book is as beautiful
and even that seems an injustice. Mackuses several different styles, but
they merge together so well to create a mental masterpiece. Despair, pain,
longing, all encapsulated on paper. Everything has this presence bout it.
The work is delicate, but powerful, this book didn't even need words, you
could stare at the pages transfixed for hours and understand everything!
Report Card - B+
Koncise an out
I was wondering, is there ANY chance you could paint an issue of
Ultimate X-Men
I mean, no one would be expecting this and I'm sure it would go
straight to number one in the charts!!!
The 50th issue would be such a GREAT milestone issue to lay the
smackdown with a painted issue
My fingers are crossed, keep up the GREAT work
Thanks for the review and the encouraging words.
I'm glad you are looking forward to my Ultimate X-men stories.
Sorry, there is no chance that I will be doing art for that. But
thanks for the thought!
All my art energies are focussed on painting the new Kabuki series
from Image comics.
You may have seen an ad for the new Kabuki series in this DD issue.
In fact I think the ad ran in every Marvel Comic shipping in Spetember.
Warmest regards,