Message Boards
Bendis: April 1-5, 2005
Kabuki in the new Marvel Previews...
04-01-05, 02:57 AM
Please order in advance
In the ICON section in case anyone just joined us.
I saw the new June Marvel Previews while in Golden apple in LA.
Do most readers do this? Pick up the Marvel previews and order from it?
Actual readers. Or do you just mention what books you want, and only the retailers look at the Marvel Previews?
I'm conducting a survey for Social Studies class.
Do most of you here have a pull list with your store, or do you just
walk in and impulse buy stuff? Or both?
Anyway, that Kabuki issue is going to rock. So you should read it.
Re: Mack & Andy Lee Colaborating?
04-01-05, 07:08 AM
Originally Posted by Donal
How fucking cool is THAT going to be?
Oh, and I just found my next tattoo.
Glad you all are into this project.
It is going to rock.
I'm a huge Andy Lee fan.
Regarding Kabuki
04-01-05, 03:42 AM
Thanks for the great feedback about the Kabuki story some of you posted on my message board.
Now that I'm back, I'll make it a point to post responses on my board and also keep up on this one.
But thanks to all the new readers who just started reading Kabuki lately or from picking it up at one of the recent cons and giving such lovely feedback!
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-05, 03:47 AM
Kabuki #4 will be out soon.
And for those just starting with the new series, #1-3 of Alchemy are still available through re-order. Including the Maleev cover which is still available thru re-order at cover price.
This is also true with #4 in case someone still wants to order the Adam Hughes cover.
The pencil sketch of it is included in the back of issue #4.
Also #4 shows a photo of the new PANDA stuffed animal (with stitches) from the SCARAB story.
The PANDA hits stores in April.
And I think some of you are in the letters collumn of #4. And some upcoming
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-05, 03:49 AM
Thanks, John!
In that case I have a funny story from the LA con that I should share.
It does not involve a hatchet this time. Thankfully.
I share it later when I get a minute.
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-05, 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by aldo
that would be me, a brand new kabuki fan, you are awesome will definately start picking new issues everytime i can
Thanks, Aldo!
It was great to meet you!
I really appreciate it.
Please let me know what you think of the other Kabuki books you read.
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-05, 03:56 AM
Also regarding #4...
There was a wonderful woman that I met at the Portland Comicon who had
an incredible Kabuki Noh Dragon Tattoo. I mean super accurate to the comic.
I asked her if I could take photos of it, and she let me take several
amazing shots of it.
I ended up collaging some of the photos of the tattoo on her back into
some of the art of this issue.
She had given me her name and info, but I can't find it.
I'd like to give acknowledgment and thanks to her in the next issue
since I included the photo of her beautiful tattoo. I'll include her name
in the thankyou section of an upcoming issue and credit her if she wants.
So if anyone here from Portland knows who I am talking about, please
pass this on to her. And please mention it to me. Thanks.
I think you are going to get a bick kick out of the art I am talking
about. This issue has a lot of new approaches in a comic that I have NEVER
seen in a comic before.
Not to mention that Powers reference I mentioned before
#4 is my official Powers crossover issue
Re: hey mods.. can we get rid of post
04-01-05, 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by J. R. Scherer
I don't especially care for them myself.
The only time I really notice them is when someone comes on to bash a creator
in their first post.
I think that is a good reason to keep them.
It never occured to me that somone is trying to up their count. Who
But if some troll comes in and starts an attack in the first post or
two it pretty much draws the lines of what they are about.
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-05, 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by BriRedfern
Where did you get said prints? Are you talking about the poster
sized comic book pages available in GermaNY? bECAUSE i REALLY WISH i HAD
Go to davidmack.net.
I'm pretty sure there is an entire section with scores of 11 x 17 prints to choose from for really low prices.
Also I think worldfamouscomics.com has a cool Kabuki site (besides the messageboard) and they also sell prints.
Both sites may have different print selections.
And also, I have them available in person at my signings.
But anyone can order them online from davidmack.net.
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-05, 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by BriRedfern
I have never met him, but he is the only creator I have any interest
in meeting at all. I really couldn't care less about meeting any other
famous person really. And yes, that includes the hot ones.
That is flattering.
But don't completely write of the hot ones.
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-05, 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by kubiak
See, I try to get my family to read comics, but they don't. My brother
does if I force him to, but that's it.
But, Mom saw the at as I flipped thru it and asked about it. I said
"Yeah, Mack is an incredible artist. He's a really amazing writer, too."
And she read it! It really surprised me. She asked about the next issue,
Please give her my regards.
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-05, 07:01 AM
We are changing the culture, my friend.
Thanks for doing your part.
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-05, 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by BriRedfern
I seriously hate you all. I have loved David since his Caliber days.
That should totally count for something. How many of you remember the launch
of NohTV.com?
I totally do.
I liked him when it was totally not cool to like him and Bendis was
his only friend. F*ckers!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha Ha
I remember the launch of NohTV.com.
Heady days indeed.
And I liked Bendis when it wasn't cool to like him too
Re: WWLA pix (56k beware)
04-01-05, 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Kat Amano
You can talk about Magnum XL, as i like to call him, all you want.
my dad has a good sense of humor.
He definitely has a sense of humor...
Remember what he said to the Wizard guys when he introduced me at the
And you had a good response to that too.
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-05, 07:28 AM
Look forward to seeing you again.
I'll give an extra free one for your mom.
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-2005, 10:45 AM
It is going to be a while before the trade of Alchemy is out. I'm not even thinking about that yet.
LOTS more fun Alchemy issues to go.
You sure you can't read a friend's issues while you wait?
Re: Is anyone here in the industry?
04-01-05, 11:19 AM
I'm Alex Maleev.
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-2005, 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by gwyllgi
Great job so far, Mack, my GF and I have been all tingly with waiting
for the next issue to come out. There are GREAT comics out there, but none
as great as yours. Damn you for being as talented as you are.
... and I hope you like that new blue tinted light.
Gives your bowl a more thoughtful, brooding look, I think.
I was meaning to thank you for that.
The tinted light is lovely.
And thanks for the dancing and various other spectacles.
And thanks to you and your GF for reading.
Maybe see you at Dragon con again?
Re: Regarding Kabuki
04-01-2005, 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by emeraldsundae
We're all going to be at Dragon*Con again this year.
Me included.
That is good to hear :)
I look forward to your attire as well.
Re: Adam Hughes on Fanboy Radio Sunday!
04-03-05, 10:49 AM
His varient cover to Kabuki #4 ships this month.
It rocks.
Tell him that I say hello and thanks!
Re: Andy Lee is freakin awesome
04-03-05, 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by All-Star Simon
I agree, he had a nice crowd going, watching him paint and he would
stop every so often and ask if anyone had any questions and just joke around
with everyone. You can tell he really enjoys what he does.
He rocks.
Tell him I say hi if you are at the con again.
This girl with the tattoo
04-05-05, 02:23 AM
So no one here knows who this girl is?
From the regarding Kabuki thread...
Also regarding #4...
There was a wonderful woman that I met at the Portland Comicon who had
an incredible Kabuki Noh Dragon Tattoo. I mean super accurate to the comic.
I asked her if I could take photos of it, and she let me take several
amazing shots of it.
I ended up collaging some of the photos of the tattoo on her back into
some of the art of this issue.
She had given me her name and info, but I can't find it.
I'd like to give acknowledgment and thanks to her in the next issue
since I included the photo of her beautiful tattoo. I'll include her name
in the thankyou section of an upcoming issue and credit her if she wants.
So if anyone here from Portland knows who I am talking about, please
pass this on to her. And please mention it to me. Thanks.
I think you are going to get a bick kick out of the art I am talking
about. This issue has a lot of new approaches in a comic that I have NEVER
seen in a comic before.
Not to mention that Powers reference I mentioned before
#4 is my official Powers crossover issue
Re: This girl with the tattoo
04-05-05, 04:18 AM
No the pic isn't there.
So you have to use your imagination.
I still have to figure that stuff out. I think I'll get a big pile of
photos of people with Kabuki tattoos to send to David Thornton to put on davidmackguide.com. And he can post a link to it.
But I figured with such a big tat people in at least the Portland area
should know about her. She must be known at the comic stores.
Anyway, read Kabuki.