Message Boards
Bendis: February 1-5, 2005
Re: phoque_u2_azz sighting! 'borrowing' from David Mack a bi
Feb 03, 2005 9:33 pm
I voted in the "Other" category.
I have to say that he shows a lot of progression.
And this work is probably more sophisticated than any other 14 year
old that I've seen, or can think of at the moment.
So I give him big props for that.
I can see your point about the conscious influence of the Echo story,
etc. And I appreciate you mentioning it.
But I'm not bothered by that.
I'm sure we all go through a period of borrowing or learning from others
in the extremely early stages of our developement.
And 14 is a great age to go through that, and do it as a learning excercise,
and work it out of your system, in order to go beyond it.
There are lots of people who go through that a lot later in life and
even try it as professionals.
So looking at it as a developmental stage, going through it at 14 is
perfectly reasonable as a learning period from my POV.
And perhaps way ahead of the time frame that others go through it and
get over it.
I'm glad he was able to get something from my work that got him excited
about making his art.
He did make a mention that he was inspired by my books before he did
it, so that is acknowledgment enough for me at this stage of the game.
I do remember the bashing thread you mentioned, but I'm not offended
by that, and certainly won't hold it against him, and I wish him the best.
My work may not have been his thing at that time, but it sounds like
he digs it now.
He's probably done a lot of growing since then.
Sometimes we all can say some things that we wish we didn't.
I know I said and did all kinds of crazy nonsense when I was 14, and
I'd hate to continue to be judged on it.
And I think that was sort of all based on a misunderstanding, of the
inside jokes and sayings we had on this board that he may have misunderstood
as a dis at him.
So no harm done from my view.
I'd prefer to look at it all as a positive learning experience that
he can use to grow from.
I give him props for being so dedicated to his work at such a young
I'm sure that continued dedication over years will show even more progression.
Re: phoque_u2_azz sighting! 'borrowing'
from David Mack a bi
Feb 03, 2005 9:47 pm
You are welcome to send it!
all the info: email and reg mail is at davidmack.net.
And feel welcome to also check out davidmackguide.com for any extra
Re: Q&A:Kabuki questions of all
kinds /artbook /new pics
Feb 04, 2005 2:13 am
moonspider wrote:
i just wanna say that kabuki is a great book to read and the words,characters etc...are just amazing
Thanks pal!
You are a sweetheart!
I remember you from the signing in NY.
Re: Oeming Art/Newsetter (including
Feb 04, 2005 2:07 am
Mike Oeming!
this cover is great!
I love it when you draw Kabuki!
Re: Oeming Art/Newsetter (including
Feb 04, 2005 2:27 am
Of course I would love an Oeming Kabuki cover!
And I have put some Oeming art in the back of the books before. When
he was developing the style he uses for Powers, he sent me some Kabuki pencils and inks that he said he did in practice for getting the Powers art look.
I published them in the back of one of the books. In Scarab I think.
And he did great art for his scenes in kabuki Masks of the Noh.
And he did some pages in the Kabuki gallery.
And some other stuff that I haven't published yet. Some Snapdragon
and Siamese drawings that are really cool.
I'd love to work with him again on something.
Re: Borders is fucking over Mike and
Feb 04, 2005 2:34 am
Are you able to order the Kabuki trades for your store?
Re: Oeming Art/Newsetter (including
Feb 04, 2005 2:37 am
Hey there!
Glad you read it.
Hope you liked!
I hope you are doing great.
Yeah, Long time, no see.
I've been off the board for a bit, and am catching up.
Re: Q&A:Kabuki questions of all
kinds /artbook /new pics
Feb 04, 2005 2:47 am
Your tiles are safe with me!
That was a very nice and clever gift from you!
I was talking to Bendis about that hardcover today.
He says any time.
Sorry to not see you at Mega.
Bendis was doing Wondercon this year, so I decided to go to that instead
as I haven't been to it for a few years, and I did Mega the last 3 years
in a row.
Re: i hate superheros now, i think
Feb 04, 2005 5:18 pm
PeterSparker wrote:
I once had a girl over and she saw my comics and some trades and asked
me about 'em. I showed her Mack's 'Kabuki' and his DD run, and got layed about 20 minutes after that discussion. The next day she wanted to know who that guy was because she's a painter, and really liked his work.
So there!
This just might be material for inclusion in the letters collumn of
an upcoming issue of Kabuki.
Thanks for sharing my work.
Re: i hate superheros now, i think
Feb 04, 2005 10:54 pm
That's f*cking teamwork.
Re: Recommend a creator-owned trade
Feb 05, 2005 2:16 am
Hey thanks to you guys that mentioned KABUKI.
I appreciate it!
And I highly recommend it as well!
Re: Joe Q is coming to Charlotte
Feb 05, 2005 2:19 am
That is good news.
I'll be there too. And look forward to seeing him there again.
And look forward to seeing you too Merkle.
I KNOW who the mystery Avenger is!!!
Feb 05, 2005 3:52 am
And I'm not telling!
And I think Brian is a genius.
He told me his whole story and how it unfolds, and I think it is very
well done and super inventive.!!!
You have a lot of great stories to look forward to!
And I like you people on this board.
This is a good time for comics.
Fun POWERS references/crossovers in
Feb 05, 2005 3:58 am
I think you will really get a kick out of it.
If you read Powers, you will catch some interesting references and see characters in a different light in this Kabuki issue.
The closest thing to a crossover that I've ever done.
I give some fun nods to Powers and Brian and Mike.
And don't miss some new never before seen Bendis Kabuki art in the back.
And I have to say, that this issue has art and story in a way that I
have never done it before. I've never seen a comic book done anything like
the way this one turned out.
And the Adam Hughes cover ROCKS!!!
Re: Can I just jump in Bendis' Daredevil
comics? Help!
Feb 05, 2005 4:08 am
Welcome here!
I think you can read any of those stories and get a sense of what's
going on.
Bendis' DD is a classic.
It won't be hard to find any of those stories from this new launch
of DD in trades.
Re: Meet Frazett and Andy Lee...
Feb 05, 2005 4:10 am
I talked to him today.
He's up to all his usual amazing tricks and mayhems.
Living large and making large paintings.
He is such a sweetheart.
Re: Meet Frazetta and Andy Lee...
Feb 05, 2005 4:15 am
I'm glad you are into mice, Mike.
Did you know that when I was a kid I used to raise and breed mice and
I had hundreds of them. And could custom breed any kind of mouse someone
wanted. My brother used to sell them at school.
And I won a science fair award for my documentation of mice genetics.
Your mice photos bring back such sweet youthful memories!
That's why I put that mouse Franklin as Fisk's pet in the Kinpin origin
story I did in DD: Parts of a Hole.
Re: Ok, I need an "intro" for Oeming...
Feb 05, 2005 4:18 am
How about as "My hero... Mike Oeming!"
Mike. I want you to know that I really like you.
You are a good friend.
Re: Ok, I need an "intro" for Oeming...
Feb 05, 2005 4:35 am
Mike, Tomodachi
Anata wa ee desu
Totemo ee desu
It is a FULL Haiku when it is in it's original Japanese form.
Five Seven Five. My gift to you.
Re: Ok, I need an "intro" for Oeming...
Feb 05, 2005 4:45 am
Gambate Kudasai!
?Donde esta mi pantelones?
Re: Fun POWERS references/crossovers
in KABUKI #4.
Feb 05, 2005 4:50 am
If you want to get the rest of the trades or as hardcovers, if you order
it from , I'll sign them all for you and pay for shipping.
We'll send them all to you signed and throw in some free extra goodies.
Mention you are from the board, and maybe she'll give you a little
discount as well.
Can't beat that.
Re: Ok, I need an "intro" for Oeming...
Feb 05, 2005 4:55 am
Yo Yo Yo!
Ima nan ji desu ka?
Oeming Ima!!!
Re: Ok, I need an "intro" for Oeming...
Feb 05, 2005 4:56 am
It's a good introduction.
Re: Ok, I need an "intro" for Oeming...
Feb 05, 2005 4:59 am
That's right actually.
I don't drink or smoke anything.
I just had a meal after a long highly productive day Kabuki pages.
And figured I give my boy Oeming a shout out before my food coma sugar high wears off and I go back to work.
Re: Ok, I need an "intro" for Oeming...
Feb 05, 2005 5:02 am
Soy capitan, soy capitan!
Para artista fantastica
es necisito una poco de gracia!
Soy capitan, soy capitan!
And in German I'm a KUNSTLER!
Re: Ok, I need an "intro" for Oeming...
Feb 05, 2005 5:09 am
Anato no ima wa warui des ka?
Sumiimasen dewa arimasen.
Anato no nihongo wa tetemo haiku!
Leggo my eggo.
Re: Ok, I need an "intro" for Oeming...
Feb 05, 2005 5:13 am
Yo Chic Rangergirl!
I got your question about LA.
I'm sure I can bring the print you want.
Just remind me in a post the week of the con.
And if I don't have it it will remind me to make some!
Wiz LA is going to be fantastico.
Re: All new Dune: Extended Edition DVD
- OMG!!!!!
Feb 05, 2005 2:00 pm
Looking forward to this!!
One of my favorite directors. I love listening to him talk about his
I have a great documentary on his art called Pretty as a Picture.
And I love this Dune.
Saw it at the theater as a kid.
Looking forward to the extra stuff!
My name is a killing word.
Re: Joe Q is coming to Charlotte
Feb 05, 2005 5:38 pm
That's ok, I have a lot of good memories of being in a limo with Q and
Bendis and the Marvel gang. (and by Marvel gang, I mean strippers).
I won't need the hotel, I'll just crash in the limo all night like usual.
It will be good to see you good people again!
Tell Carolee I say hello as well.
And Dusty too!
Please give that guy a very warm and mysterious greeting on my behalf.
And give Shelton and everyone at Heroes my love!
Re: Joe Q is coming to Charlotte
Feb 05, 2005 5:47 pm
I don't know what you are talking about.
I mis-spoke.
I actually meant to say "Marvel buisniness meeting".