Message Boards
Bendis - January 16-20, 2005
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 8:56 am
The beggar wrote:
I would like to know how you came on the idea with the vet
For those not in the know: The veterinarian character in #2 of the new
Icon series.
Which idea to you mean?
Her work as a Vet?
Her work as a forger?
Her progression as an artist and those philosophies?
Or her work as prosthetics?
Her connection to Akemi?
Or to have a vet in the story at all?
Or anything else?
At the end of Metamorphosis when Akemi gave Kabuki a note to lead her
to a place where she would get help (medical, and forged papers, etc.),
I had fun coming up with what kind of character that would be able to do
this. What her connection with Akemi was, her approach to life, etc.
When I was a kid, my father used to live in the basement of an animal
clinic (actually called LITTLE FRIENDS ANIMAL CLINIC like in the story).
He used to assist the veterinarian, and my little brother and I would
play with the animals, and we learned a lot from the animal clinic.
I also have some books on bio-mechanics, etc, as my father has been
learning about this lately in his relationship with prosthetics.
And I put in some ideas and philosophies about art. About what is original.
What is forgery. When does one become the other.
And some life philosphies of art as action. Life as art. Being and
doing being the real art as opposed to having or getting. The action of
something rather than the visual of it. Art and life as a verb istead of
a noun.
And the children's book connection with "Animal Doctor" and "The Shy
Creatures" also tied in with this.
And with Kabuki's past, and with Akemi's philosphies and mysterious past.
It just sort of organically came together very quickly in the process
writing the story.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:03 am
Peter Bach wrote:
I don't have a question but I did want to say that I finally entered
the world of Kabuki a few months back. i got a really good deal on the
trades for Vol. 2, 4 and 6 and picked them all up at the same time and
was blown away. Vol. 4 is my favourite so far. I loved everything about
that story. I hope to grab the trades that I'm missing soon and get a complete
collection. So I just wanted to say thanks for a really enjoyable reading
experience, for pushing the bounds of the medium and for curing polio.
That was really cool of you.
Thank you very much!
I'm glad to hear you started it.
If you liked volume 4 (SKin DeeP), you are really going to love volume
5 (Metamorphosis) and the new current series.
Meta continues right where Skin Deep leaves off. It really delivers
all the payoffs that Skin Deep only sets up.
The Akemi character, etc.
Meta is the best example of my work in comics so far in a completed collected finished story as a writer and an artist.
And the current Icon story continues right where that leaves off. And
you'll see that the art in those 3 stories has a kind of continuity and
evolution of style that keeps those stories together as one big story.
And I'd also suggest volume one, just to get the origin and see the
action story that some of these other books hint at.
Please continue to let me know what you think of the other books!
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:09 am
Meteornotes wrote:
Can someone list the available trades so I can see which ones I'm
Circle Of Blood is still one of my all time favorite pieces of comic
work, and was one of the most popular reviewed items on my old website
(Pixel Planet). I really need to start reading comics again...
Vol 1 Circle of Blood 172pgs
Vol 2 Dreams 128p
Vol 3 Masks of the Noh 128p
Vol 4 Skin Deep 128p
Vol 5 Metamorphosis 288p
Vol 6 Scarab 252p
The new series from Icon "The ALchemy" will be vol 7. Three issues of
it out so far.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:12 am
GavBrown wrote:
I'll be reading the first few issues of the Icon line very soon.
Or should I try and pick up the trades and start from the very beginning?
As long as you start one way or another is the most important thing!
With either one you start with, I think it will make you want to read
the others.
Each of the stories are designed to stand on their own, even though
they all fit in continuity and build on each other.
If you prefer reading in complete chronological order, you can start
with the trades.
Either way, please let me know what you think!
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:14 am
Goodman wrote:
What's Akemi's cell phone #?
It's encrypted in the letters collumn of the next issue.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:16 am
Ashton wrote:
I just picked up the Alchemy #1-#3 and plan to read them this weekend. Couldn't resist that beautiful art any longer.
and I am a first time reader to Kabuki.
Thanks for picking it up!
I appreciate you taking the innitiative to try it.
Please post to let me know what you think.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:20 am
Medical Popcorn wrote:
So would you still recommend reading your books in chrono. order
or would you recommend reading them diffenerently now?
Thanks for asking.
Just what I said to GavBrown above.
If you start them, I think it will make you want to get all of them
So you can start anywhere, but you may as well read it in order.
The 6 volumes and the new series span ten years of work for me, but
you can read them all at once without having to wait the 2 months between
each issue like everyone else did!
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:23 am
Macmanyosi wrote:
You handed Kabuki vol 1 in for your writing thesis, according to the book. How'd you do?
I got an A for that class!
400 level class, independant study in writing.
Dr. Margo Jang.
I did the first volume in school and turned in the published format
of it for my writing thesis.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:26 am
B-Rose wrote:
will you send me free copies of each trade?
No, but if you see me at a convention, I'll give you a really good deal
on all of them.
Or just order from davidmack.net or and make your
best offer for the entire set and we'll do our best to accomodate it.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:30 am
I do a different writing style, art style, and pacing style for each
of the volumes.
I'd recomend vol 1 Circle of Blood as a very straightforward story telling
style that you would probably like.
Also volume 3 Masks of the Noh (even has Oeming art), and Volume 6 Scarab is a pretty straight forward crime story in urban Japan.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:35 am
Thanks for that story!
Yeah. Volume 4 SKIN DEEP, and Vol 5 METAMORPHOSIS, come right before
the current Icon story and will catch you up to the current story.
But I'd still recommend vol 1 when you get a chance.
All the books are still availble on reorder in paperback or hardcover.
Your store can order it for you if you ask.
Thanks for reading Kabuki, and please post here to let me know what you think of the other volumes.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:38 am
Go Goodman!
Today I just finished a cool Akemi painting that will be the next Kabuki cover you see.
I'll post a scan of it here if I can.
Or I'll email it to davidmackguide.com for Thornton to post a link
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:43 am
You are probably talking about the afteword by Takashi Hattori.
I don't remember a mention of Wizard of oz (but it may be there), but
I do remember him drawing comparisons with the first Kabuki volume and Alice in Wonderland.
That was indeed completely intentional. The characters in that volume
correspond to characters in the book (to a very detailed degree), as do
some of the metaphors and structure in the story.
Both are stories of a child coming to an adult conciousness. The story
of "a PAWN traversing the chess board to become a QUEEN on the other side
of the board" as is the symbols in both stories.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:45 am
Thanks Taki!
Glad you are liking Meta!
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 12:29 pm
Thanks for that.
Looking forward to seeing you in ATL again.
Akemi will be back!
In fact she's on the cover of the next issue.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 12:37 pm
Akemi may just be my favorite character in the story.
I wouldn't disagree about her having a thing for K.
But I really like how Akemi is so undefinable and ambiguous/different
things to different readers.
And I feel like even when Akemi isn't making a physical appearance,
that she still has a presence in the story.
Sort of like in Skin Deep when she is one of the main characters but you never see her and don't know what she looks like.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:07 pm
You are amazing!
As far as covers (and new ones) Adam Hughes did an amazing varient cover
for the upcoming fourth issue.
You might get a kick out of that.
And of course Alex Maleev did an incredible varient cover for the recent
#1 from Icon.
Definitely a favorite!
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:09 pm
That liking the newer stuff best, is generally true for me. My favorites
are the ones I haven't done yet.
My favorite work is always the NEXT one.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 16, 2005 9:28 pm
No, I knew what the humor of his post was.
I was fucking with him by mentioning the Adam Hughes cover first.
But then I mentioned his.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 3:01 am
I do put a large degree of consideration into all of those decisions.
Including the color meaning from Japanese literature, and even the color
associative meanings from alchemic code, as well as color psychology.
As far as Japanese sybology, there is quite a bit of it layered into
the story.
The afteword in Kabuki Circle of Blood by Takashi Hattori goes into a bit of Japanese perspective on some of the subject matter and symbols and icons congruent with Japanese mythology.
I think the one in Dreams may do this a bit too.
It would be fun to have a guide or Kabuki companion book to discuss some of the things that aren't called attention to.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 3:02 am
Well, if I can't choose you, what's the point?
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 3:18 am
The next one!
As far as pure fun, the self portrait story I did was fun. And the SHY
CREATURES childrens book story in Kabuki #3 was very fun and spontaneous.
The stories in Dreams were a lot of fun. And the first 2 stories in that collection were my first ever painted stories. The Ghost play story in it was a lot of fun.
Metamorphosis was a ton of fun.
Doing the covers for ALIAS with Bendis was pure FUN.
Seeing Quesada's art interpretations of my first DD story that I wrote as incredible fun.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 3:38 am
The next trade won't have a date set until the current Alchemy story is finished. And that will still be a while. This story will be at least 8 issues long. Maybe even a bit longer if necasary.
Probably before that, I'll have an artbook in hardcover oversized format.
An art of David Mack kind of book.
I may make the first volume of this the complete Kabuki covers from 94-2004. All oversize without the logo, and showing the sketch and comentary on the opposite page. Probably about 200 pages.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 3:41 am
I can't give any hard news on that yet.
I have to let Marvel announce that.
But I have been offered to write several projects.
I'm pretty picky about what I commit to, but there will be some good
projects on the horizon.
And Bendis and I will team up again for a future Marvel project.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 3:46 am
I'm still finalizing the details on the format of this, so I'm still
open to suggestions.
Would you prefer that the format of the first Art Book be a complete
oversize collection of every single Kabuki cover ever made (with sketches and commentary)...
With other volumes to follow including and collecting other types of
artwork, art from other projects, etc.
Or would you prefer that the first volume be more of a cross section
of various Kabuki, DD, ALias covers mixed with other kinds of art?
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 3:53 am
I'd like to talk more about the casting ideas for the Kabuki film, but I'm not supposed to do that, as the film is in developement at Fox and I'm supposed to keep quiet about that. But there are lots of great parts,
for lots of great actors.
Every now and then, I'm asked to send a signed hardcover to certain
actresses with it personalized to her
And I do have tapes of actresses auditioning for Kabuki saying my lines
from the books which is really cool.
But until things are all locked down, I can't really talk about it.
There are great actors out there that I am hoping for!
Who would you cast in what parts?
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 3:55 am
I'm asking everyone.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 4:17 am
I'm thinking it would be closer to half of that.
$30 or $40?
But I'd have to run a price check on that with the printer.
What are the prices of some other current art books in that format?
The Alex Ross Mythology, and Bendis said the Greg Horn artbook was a good design and format.
Do you know what those are priced at?
I think the McKean Sandman cover collection was $25 in paperback.
Maybe I could offer the book as low as a $35 or $40 price on the hardcover?
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 8:27 am
That's sort of what I was thinking. A complete Kabuki cover collection for the first. The idea that this would include every single cover. Even including the various covers by guest artists like Steranko and Alex Ross, etc.
The idea of it also including every other comic cover I ever did would
also be amazing. But that would make it a bigger and bit more expensive
But it would show more contrast and range in my work.
It would include 22 Daredevil covers, 32 Alias covers (including 4 unpublished),
6 Ruule covers, 3 Swampthing covers, 1 Jinx cover, and several other covers
that I may or may not decide to include.
Would you prefer the first volume include all of these covers too, or
that I limit the first volume to Kabuki covers, and include other cover works with other art and drawings in a seperate art volume?
All responses welcome.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 8:45 am
That is a good point.
Maybe you should pick up the new issues of Kabuki.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 8:57 am
Would it be best to call it: The Art of David Mack
And then to list it as Vol 1 (making the consecutive books also fit
into that title with other volumes), and put another line under the title
designating it as:
The Art of David Mack
The Kabuki covers
Would that be more attractive to readers?
Or would it be better to simply call it, The Art of Kabuki or the Kabuki covers?
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 9:07 am
Well I could put the guest covers in the back as a sort of bonus.
And many of them are also collaborations with me and another artist.
But I'd still want to include the Scarab covers, and many of them are done by Rick Mays.
Although I suppose I still qualify as being a part of that process
as perhaps a sort of art director.
I'm thinking if it is a book of just covers, I should show the covers
to volume by volume in chronology in the book. Even if the Scarab ones
are often by Rick Mays.
Should I cut it off at volumes 1-6, or also include what I have of
the Alchemy?
I'd also include the Kabuki Classics and
I imagine I'd also include the covers to Reflections.
Make it as all encompasing inclusive as possivle.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 17, 2005 11:36 am
But I'm asking all you you here as readers to see what kind of format
you would prefer in a book like this.
It will be a certain amount of work for me to put it together and desing
it etc, so I want to make it the kind of collection of art that readers
and art fans would really like to have.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 18, 2005 12:23 am
Good idea!
I'll put every single cover in it. All varients, all trade covers,
hardcover covers, and the different covers from earlier printings, and
all of the Alchemy covers I have at the time.
upcoming Kabuki cover with Akemi
Jan 18, 2005 2:54 am
Image at todays news at davidmackguide.com
Jan 18, 2005 5:35 am
And welcome back!
Re: upcoming Kabuki cover with Akemi
Jan 18, 2005 5:42 am
What he's referring to about the Q&A for the Art of David Mack book
is the discussion about it on my Q&A thread on this board.
If you haven't seen it yet, please drop by that thread and let me know
your opinions about the format that you would prefer for the big art book.
Re: upcoming Kabuki cover with Akemi
Jan 18, 2005 5:46 am
the image with the quotes is a reduced version of the cover with space
at the bottom for the solicitation text. And it has some blurbs that I
hope will be helpful to retailers when ordering the book from the marvel
It will have a description of #5 below it and also list #1-4 as still
available to order.
The larger image without the quotes is the format and proportion for
the cover. Though it will have the Kabuki logo and Icon logo.
But I don't plan for the Kabuki logo to be overlapping the image as it is in the solicitation ad.
Re: upcoming Kabuki cover with Akemi
Jan 18, 2005 5:49 am
I'm glad you like the design.
I think it is one of the bolder Kabuki cover designs.
Wait until you see the rest of the issue!
And hey, no reason to not still have your thing for Akemi!
Your song for her still rings in my head right now.
Re: upcoming Kabuki cover with Akemi
Jan 18, 2005 5:52 am
Good call!
To collect all Kabuki covers.
Have making of some covers. Step by step photos of them in process.
Sketches and initial layouts for covers.
And some new art.
In one big oversized hardcover collection.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 19, 2005 4:40 am
Thanks for the links to the updates.
I saw that Best Artist of 2004 think on your site today. I would never
know about these things if not for you!
How do you feel about the Art of David Mack format mentioned so far?
Jan 19, 2005 4:47 am
The collector wrote:
I want an Oeming action figure.
I'd buy that!
Maybe someone should hand make one?
Re: The worst thing about working with
a dead body
Jan 19, 2005 5:16 am
I had that class too.
Anatomy and Physiology. We disected a man and a woman.
And that chemical smell permeated that entire floor of the Science
I don't like that chemical smell at all.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 19, 2005 1:36 pm
Good call!
By the way, I saw your blog thing
Re: upcoming Kabuki cover with Akemi
Jan 19, 2005 1:44 pm
Yeah I would like to collect all my non Kabuki covers too.
There are 22 Daredevil covers and 32 Alias covers that I did. 6 Ruule
covers, 3 Swampthing covers and more.
It would be fun to have all those in a book too. With the initial drawings
for the designs and commentary on it. And show some process of how I do
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 19, 2005 9:13 pm
The one that gave your recap of last years Chicago con, where you mentioned
that you had seen me at the con for the last several years, but only this
year decided to approach the table and introduce yourself!
I'm glad you did!
And tell Mel and Fatima that I say hello!
Re: Kabuki questions of all kinds...Q&A
(and artbook que
Jan 19, 2005 9:22 pm
Hi Shaun Koh!
I really appreciate your take on the Alchemy so far!
And thanks for reading.
I think that is certainly a valid interpretation or speculation so
Like you said, I won't spoil things with too specific of an answer,
but I like that the story is making you think and speculate about that
kind of thing.
I'm glad you are liking it so far!
I think you'll get a big kick out of #4 as well.
And these issues sort of lay the ground work for the resolutions that
start to get pieced together at a faster pace in the second half of this
Re: Kabuki questions of all kinds...Q&A
(and artbook que
Jan 19, 2005 9:28 pm
I agree with showing everything as well, but I think It may be best
to order it within topics for each volume.
So I want to include much of my non comic work (large paintings, sculptures,
phototgrapy, etc) but I'm thinking it may be best to include that in one
of the follow up albums after the first one devoted to the Kabuki covers and sketches.
I'd like to do one that collects all my personal figure drawings and
personal studies. I have so many spontaneous sketches and nude studies,
paintings and doodles of friends, etc. I'd like to show that side of my
work in a volume as well.
That'st the kind of art books and sketch books that I like to see and
buy myself anyway.
Re: upcoming Kabuki cover with Akemi
Jan 19, 2005 9:33 pm
Thanks all,
FOr the suggestions and responses to the artbook format.
It looks like it is shaping up.
Re: upcoming Kabuki cover with Akemi
Jan 20, 2005 2:59 pm
And Thanks all!
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 20, 2005 4:07 am
I think they are lovely too.
Re: Kabuki questions of all kinds...Q&A
(and artbook que
Jan 20, 2005 4:14 am
I'd like to do it as a multi volume set too.
And I'll be very kind and warm to your friend. He has nothing to fear.
I appreciate the initiative of his and your parts to make things right,
and will be nothing but appreciative of that.
I'm not sure about sketches. I've been pretty busy at cons lately just
signing the books and talking to readers as they pick up books and bring
them to sign. I haven't had the same down time at cons to take the time
to do sketches.
But I'll try to start a short list if I can. Maybe I'll have more time
on the last day.
Re: Kabuki questions of all kinds...Q&A
(and artbook que
Jan 20, 2005 4:18 am
I thought you'd never ask!
Re: Kabuki questions of all kinds...Q&A
(and artbook que
Jan 20, 2005 4:23 am
Good suggestion!
Maybe I could do an entire section of art I made as a kid. Or show an
evolution of those childhood sculptures and drawings and paintings.
Re: Kabuki questions of all kinds...Q&A
(and artbook que
Jan 20, 2005 4:25 am
I can't wait!
I'd like to see it as soon as you finish.
Re: Kabuki questions of all kinds...Q&A
(and artbook que
Jan 20, 2005 4:43 am
You'll see that sequence appear in a published format very soon.
It's a surprise!
And it is just sort of a little peek at an entire story of that. That
will be my next creator-owned project after the current Kabuki story. The full autobiographical story.
I'm really glad you liked it and related to it.
Re: New to Kabuki? Questions on story
or where to start? Q&a
Jan 20, 2005 2:42 pm
Thanks for all the great suggestions.
I appreciate it.
I just wrote down the order and format for all the covers in the first
Including the covers to the collections and varients, oneshots, etc,
I have counted 100 covers (if I put this out after Alchemy #5). (that's if I try to shoot for the release of this in July. Or if I try to make it more of a Christmas time release, there will be more Alchemy covers in it.)
So with the opposite pages for each showing the sketches with commentary,
that means the first volume will be over 200 pages (as I'll inlcude some
step by step process and other things besides just the 100 covers and 100
sketch/commentary pages.
So maybe 212 to 228 pages.
It will be a very nice and extensive collection of Kabuki cover work.
And I think a lot of them will be paintings people have never seen
Re: Kabuki questions of all kinds...Q&A
(and artbook que
Jan 20, 2005 2:51 pm
Yeah, I'm thinking of dropping the David Mack part.
Or at least the Mack part.
And maybe dropping the "The" and the "of".
Maybe just call it Art. Or just call it David. Or just call it "The"
to keep things simple.
What do you think?
Maybe I'll just call it "The Ivan of David Mack".
Re: Kabuki questions of all kinds...Q&A
(and artbook que
Jan 20, 2005 11:22 pm
The artist that I was documenting died.
I'm glad I met him and began documenting him when I did, so I got to
know him better. And I went to a sort of benifit of him. I'll have to continue
it by interviewing the people in his life, and documenting the affect he
had on people as the discuss and present his work.
He is a real fascinating guy. Very fascinating story. ANd his art too.