Message Boards
Bendis: August 6-10, 2004
Re: im halfway through circle of blood
Aug 06, 2004 2:37 am
I'm glad to hear that. I'm hoping the current story will have as deep
an impact upon its completion. Like Meta, it will go in several places and use several different styles and storytelling paces, and introduce many new characters who each have their own unique perspective. And then
should come together at the end in a bigger picture that will make you
want to reconsider everything from a new perspective.
Each issue is going to have a different vibe and contrast the other,
but if you stick with it, I think you will be able to appreciate that,
and how this story is going in uncharted territory.
RangerChic, Your Kabuki site is awesome!
Aug 06, 2004 11:28 am
Just checked it again and was really impressed that you keep it updated
so often and it is so thorough.
That list of my works is probably the most extensive I've seen. (Though
I saw some thimgs absent, but way more than I would include
And my photo in mid talk looks goofy to me :) But they always do. Maybe
we can get a better one in Chicago
It is a very cool site. I like how you use some of my paintings and
Kabuki images. It is a whole new way for me to see them.
I'm getting a book to the printer now, but will answer those interview
questions for you asap for the site!
See you in Chicago.
And hey Bendis Boarders, check out her
site and let us know what you think!
Re: I'm new! Welcome me by answering
a question...
Aug 07, 2004 9:21 am
Thanks for following the new series, and picking up all the trades.
You can go to davidmack.net for a complete description of the books
and ll kinds of other info and links.
Also, Rangerchic from this board has a great Kabuki site that has extensive information.
Please post what you think when you get a chance to read the other Kabuki volumes!
And please mention to your comic shop that you want them to continue
ordering the new Kabuki series from Marvel ICON!
Good to see you in SD!
Re: survival tips for a newbie?
Aug 07, 2004 9:33 am
Re: Hey Oeming and Mack... Gonna Be
In Chicago?
Aug 10, 2004 3:43 am
I will be there, and will be cooking Kabuki.
I will be bringing enough Kabuki for everyone. Trades, Hardcovers, new Kabuki Alchemy #1, original Daredevil Wake Up and Echo art pages, Scarab
pages, many prints, Kabuki busts, figures, T-shirts, and more.
Please feel free to look through stuf and introduce yourself.
I'll be in artist alley next to Andy Lee and Anh Tran (she'll have Tranimals).
Anh Tran & Tranimals in new issue
of Lee's Toy Review Ma
Aug 10, 2004 3:46 am
Lee's Toy Review Magazine #142
There is a full page artical about Anh Tran and her Tranimals.
Is very cool. Her first magazine interview and article.
Also shows her Tranimal drawings.
And Bunny, Ninja, Mr Kat, and Bot.
Re: kabuki tee question?
Aug 10, 2004 3:54 am
Hello Secretasiangirl!
Yeah, It looks just like the one in the comic. Same cut, and style. V-neck sort of baby-doll-T style. In that style, it comes in the one size fits all variety. But also a couple of larger sizes.
And it is also available in T-shirt style in all the regular T-shirt sizes.
I'll have them at Chicago. And all the other cons I do. And you can order them anytime from the checklist in the book or the site or e-mail.
There is also a really cool one (our most popular Kabuki shirt) that comes in the same style/cut but is black with the Noh Dragon Tattoo on the back, and says Kabuki small in the front.
That one comes in T-shirt style and sizes too.
Thanks for mentioning it.
And thanks for reading Kabuki!
Re: girls who *gasp* read comics...
Aug 10, 2004 4:08 am
If girls didn't read comics, I'd probably not still be working on Kabuki.
The majority of my reader-mail is from women. And my experience at conventions
has always been of meeting many woman readers at my table or booth.
I'm usually at my booth the entire time, so it was a while before, I
realized that the rest of the con had a different gender and hipness ratio.
I like it at my booth.
I always seem to meet the hippest and most intelligent people at conventions.
I didn't even realize any of the fanboy stereotypes were true until I ventured
into other parts of the cons. Like Oeming's table. Just joking
Everyone is welcome to stop by, or hang out, at my booth for a very
friendly area to all genders, and all types or non types.
Just wanted to share that my experience in comics from my perspective
has been full of women readers. At stores, conventions, fanmail. And most
of the most succesfull comic stores that I've been to seem to be filled
with women who work at the store, or run the store. They are at the counter.
Suggesting books and helping customers. And making other female customers
completely at ease and welcome.
Re: Hey Oeming and Mack... Gonna Be
In Chicago?
Aug 10, 2004 4:11 am
I will be bringing enough Kabuki for everyone. Trades, Hardcovers, new Kabuki Alchemy #1, original Daredevil Wake Up and Echo art pages, Scarab pages, many prints, Kabuki busts, figures, T-shirts, and more.
Please feel free to look through stuf and introduce yourself.
I'll be in artist alley next to Andy Lee and Anh Tran (she'll have Tranimals).
I've always wanted to arm wrestle you David Mack.
We all have our dreams!
Re: I just read Bendis' entire DD run...
Aug 10, 2004 4:16 am
Thanks for the kind words to those that liked my Echo run and all of my three DD runs.
I always appreciate you mentiong it.
Re: Hey Oeming and Mack... Gonna Be
In Chicago?
Aug 10, 2004 4:29 am
I will be in Mid Ohio as usual!
See you there.
Re: Hey Oeming and Mack... Gonna Be
In Chicago?
Aug 10, 2004 4:30 am
Hi RangerChic!
Yeah, I did get it.
I'll check it again before I pack up for the show.
Re: Hey Oeming and Mack... Gonna Be
In Chicago?
Aug 10, 2004 4:32 am
You are really going to like this new Kabuki series!
And I think you will really dig the 2nd issue. Lots of Akemi discussion
in there.
But I think you'll like it for other things too.
And brand new character in issue #2. One with Akemi connections.
Re: Hey Oeming and Mack... Gonna Be
In Chicago?
Aug 10, 2004 4:34 am
I saw hers too, but I'll have to look at it again when I'm preparing
for Chicago.
How was it to meet Michael at the recent Florida con?
Re: I just read Bendis' entire DD run...
Aug 10, 2004 4:44 am
I don't think that will happen because my first arc "Parts of a Hole"
is already in hardcover.
But thanks for the interest.
What is in the plans is to collect Mine and Bendis' 4 issue DD: WAKE
UP story with my 5 issue ECHO story.
I think that will be a very nice collection, and I'm looking forward
to it, as is Brian.
Re: Anh Tran & Tranimals in new
issue of Lee's Toy Revie
Aug 10, 2004 10:35 am
Thanks all!
Johnny Z, glad the drawing arrived safely!
So am I not going to see you in Chicago after all?
I have my artist alley tables and hotel stuff squared away.
I was going to bring a gift to you. But if you are not going I'll mail
I'll go ahead and tell you what it is
There is a company called crystaletching.com that is producing a limited
run of glass sets and shot glass sets with Kabuki images etched into the glass.
And the etcher, Rob, was nice enough to do a set of MOB glasses for
me that I want to give to you and Brian.
There are three glasses with the MOB logo etched real big on one side.
And each one has one of our names on the other side. Mike, Brian, David.
So I meant to give the ones with your names on them to you as a gift.
So we can each be at home drinking from our own MOB glass and at one with
the universe
Bendis forgot his in SD, so I was going to bring'em for both of you in Chicago. But if you aren't there, I'll just mail'em or something.
Yo, M.O.B. forever.
Peace out
West side
Re: Anh Tran & Tranimals in new
issue of Lee's Toy Revie
Aug 10, 2004 10:37 am
And Anh will have all kinds of cool Tranimals stuff at Chicago. Come check it out all.
Re: Anh Tran & Tranimals in new
issue of Lee's Toy Revie
Aug 10, 2004 8:30 pm
Michael_Goodman wrote:
At the time, the Tranimals were $20. I believe they still are. Tranimals
have really started to take off since then.
Thanks for posting the site, Michael. And the photos!
There is a photo of Anh with the Tranimals on the site and a variation of this in the Magazine. So you may be able to see scale from the photo
of her with them. By gr Bot, are you talking about GIANT ROBOT? They sell
her Tranimals at both of the GIANT ROBOT stores in LA and San Fran.
Everyone, thanks for the kind words.
Amy, glad you are loving them!
Good to see you here. She should have a good selection of them at the
show for you to check out.
Re: Anh Tran & Tranimals in new
issue of Lee's Toy Revie
Aug 10, 2004 8:49 pm
Thanks JD!
She'll love to hear that!
Everyone should check out JD's site SimplyJD. It has a great Kabuki seciton, as well, with a recent interview about Kabuki and my upcoming work that we did together.
Re: Anh Tran & Tranimals in new
issue of Lee's Toy Revie
Aug 10, 2004 11:58 pm
I love Giant Robot too. I started picking it up with issue #4 in 95.
They did do a nice review of KABUKI: Circle of Blood when it first came
out as a paperback collection. They showed the cover art and said some
kind things about it. But that was a while ago. Maybe 96. or 97.
They may have mentioned Kabuki from time to time. But I have never done a full out interview or article with them.
I'd love to do an interview with Giant Robot. I'll be happy to supply
you with any art you need for it. We'll make it huge and celebrate it as
the 10yr Kabuki anniverary and the new Kabuki series from Marve ICON.
Tell GR that I'm all for it.
Anh would love to do a GR inteview too. She's got lots of cool looking bots and ninjas, kats, and bunnies. The 3D Tranimals, but she does lots of drawings and paintings, and comics of them too.
And they can use the interview to promote the Tranimals they sell in their stores.
If they are out of thier last order, and need more, just ask them to e-mail Anh. I think she corresponds with Eric now. But we use to hear from Bill Poon a lot when he was there.