Home Message Boards Bendis: May 21-25, 2004
Re: the Middleton/Mack project is a no go
May 24, 2004 10:03 am
It's not Cloak and Dagger. I don't know where that came from.
It's waiting on final approval.
Good to see you guys at the shows!
Thanks for stopping by
The Philly show was pretty amazing, wasn't it!
May 25, 2004 6:35 pm
A big thanks to all of you from this board for stopping by my table and saying hi!
I really appreciate so many of you trying Kabuki for the first time. Let me know your reaction when you read the trades.
We were hella busy the entire show. I was right next to Andy Lee, and
we were so busy we didn't see any of the rest of the con. Oeming was only
a couple tables away, and it was so packed and jumpin that we joked when
it was over that we didn't really even get to talk.
We'll hang out more in Heroes con next month:)
I talked with the NYC Mech crew after the con when we were packing up.
The first 2 issues look great.
Looking forward to JD's con report. Did lots of interviews. The scout
from the new MTV Real World is going to use Kabuki comics and art from Andy Lee and I for the set in the new apt. That should be interesting.
Lots of male and female readers from my board, this board, and the Joe
Q board introduced themselves. Was good to meet everyone in person.
So thanks again. What did you think of the show?
Andy Lee and I drove in the night before with no sleep. So sorry if
Friday, I was in a daze, a jerk, or looked sleepy. The entire thing was
like a fun slumber party:)
Re: The Philly show was pretty amazing, wasn't it!
May 28, 2004 6:35 am
Hi Mary! Hi JD!
It was a lot of fun. I saw your posts about the con on the links on
my board. Thanks for putting them up and mentioning me in your con report
I did get the PM. Thanks for the kind words.
Re: Does Anyone Know about Mack-daddy's...
May 25, 2004 7:36 pm
"Tools of the heart"
Thanks for that...
Re: Kabuki Gai Jeans shirt
May 25, 2004 7:38 pm
I just returned from Philly where I sold out of these Gai-Jeans [logo and cover art] shirts.
Judging from the last three cons I did since these shirts have been
released, they are HUGELY popular.