 Home Interviews Comic Box Series #1307
Comic Buyer's Guide #1307
Publisher: Krause Publications, Inc. |
Release Date: December 4, 1996 |
Price: $2.95 |
Previews - September 1998
Original Kabuki cover! Creator David Mack shares the secrets behind his Image Comics sensation. Plus! CBG's monthly price guide update, along with its retailer review panel's picks for January 1999-shipping comics!
Worlds of Westfield - December 1998
COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE SET - CBG #1305 - The world's largest marketplace for Silver Age comics presents another in its popular series of issues devoted to the comics and characters you'll remember forever. Plus it's regular cartoons and columns. CBG #1306 - Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of DC's Legion of Super-Heroes with a sweeping look at this future group's past and present. Join Legionnaire extraordinaire K.C. Carlson for a personal exploration of The Legion's enduring popularity. Other features examine the Legion fandom phenomenon and look at what's next for the team. CBG #1307 - Original Kabuki cover. Creator David Mack shares the secrets behind his Image Comics sensation. Plus, CBG's monthly price guide update, along with its retailer review panel's picks for January 1999-shipping comics. CBG #1308 - This Thanksgiving, CBG gives thanks for Will Eisner with a fond look at The Spirit, from the Golden Age to the latest tributes from Kitchen Sink. All this plus its regular features make this a must for collectors, fans, and industry professionals.
· The David Mack interview appears on pages 38-40
· The newspaper includes the cover from Kabuki: Metamorphosis #1 (front cover) and Kabuki: Metamorphosis #3 (page 38) as well as the first page in the second printing of the Kabuki: Skin Deep trade paperback (page 39)
Related Links:
Portfolio Kabuki Vol. 4 Trade Paperback
Portfolio Kabuki Vol. 5 #1, #3
From the collection of David Thornton